Birth to Death


    I was born in a natural birth at 6lbs 6z

    Cognitive- First word was "mom".

    Biosocial- Bottlefed Psychosocial- Excited to be with trusted caregivers.

    Biosocial- Petite frame, picky eater
    Cognitive- Observant, Top honor student every year in grade school, learned fast, fascinated about the meaning of songs
    Psychosocial- I was very quiet, reserved, few playmates, well-mannered, developed OCD

    Biosocial- No fluxuation in weight for several years, figure skated for thirteen years of childhood years, OCD affecting all aspects of life
    Cognitive- Easily processed info scholastically, learned new concepts, life became more realistic, learned of judgement and its emphasis.
    Psychosocial- Desired to be socially connected, realization of family structure compared to others.

    Biosocial- More interested in appearance, extremely conscious of diet and exercise, moderate weight and height.
    Cognitive- Preoccupied thoughts, school was not significant anymore, changing schools made me feel insecure, priorities started to change.
    Psychosocial- Quiet nature, many friends, I was easy going, easily persuaded, cheerleading.
  • Emerging Adulthood

    Biosocial-refined appearance
    Cognitive-mentally still needed alot of deverlopment
    Psychosocial-worked obsessively, many friends, did not take life seriously
  • Adulthood

    Biosocial-Notice signs of aging, skin is not as youthful, my eyes dictate my age to be true
    Cognitive-happiness of feeling more content as I age, yet a slight depression of youth leaving me behind
    Psychosocial-beginning my own family, married, very few friends, no more partying
  • Late Adulthood-?

    Biosocial- hair is grey, not as easily mobile, wrinkles on my face and kneck, skin is loose
    Cognitive-scared to die alone but happy to still be living, my eyes will never change (my eyes tell a story and who I am)
    Psychosocial-happy to be retired (lol), my children and grandchildren are happiness and what life is really about, loving family, going to live on a remote island til death