
Australia as a Global Citizen

By konica
  • UN charter

    UN charter
    The UN charter was signed by over 50 different countries establishing succeeding generations from the scourage of war
  • WW2

    World War 2 offically ended
  • UN

    the chater was raitifed
  • UN

    Australia joined the UN

    UNESCO (united nations educational scientific and cultural organisation) was formed
  • Doc Evatt

    Doc Evatt
    Doc Evatt became president of the general assembly
  • UN (human rights)

    the UN posed a declaration of human rights
  • War

    The Korean war began

    The conventionof the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women is attached as a shedule to the sex discrimination act 1984
  • Peace keeping

    Peace keeping
    Australian peacekeeping forces were sent to east timor (timor leste) as part of a multinational force sponsored by the United Nations, to assist East Timor's transition to independence from Indonesia.
  • millenium development goals

    Australia signed the UN's millenium development goals that is hoped to be achieved by 2015