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French Revolution Project

  • Assembly of the Three Estates

    Assembly of the Three Estates
    Facing crippling debt, the monarch of France, King Louis XVI assembeles the Three Estates. Louis wishes to raise the taxes on the citizens of France, but law states that he can only do so with the approval of the Three Estates. However, what Louis did not predict was that the First Estate and the Second Estate would vote to only raise taxes on the Third Estate. This angers members of the Third Estate, who represent over 95 percent of the French Population.
  • The Declaration of the Rights of a Man and Citizen

    The Declaration of the Rights of a Man and Citizen
    The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen was a landmark document in human and civil rights history. These privileges were only given to men when the document was published. The Declaration of Independence was more of a "vision than a fact." Even though every man was granted rights, political rights were obtained in various ways. Men who were "hard working" were grabtes political rights. In September 1791, Declaration of the Rights of Women and Femal Citizen was finally issued.
  • The March on Versailles

    The March on Versailles
    Due to the high prices, a women's riot broke out in the marketplace. They were welcomed by revolutionaries who wanted to change France's monarchy and poltical system. The people discovered that grain was being kept seperate from the poor for the privileged. Due to the officers warm reception, which enraged the commoners, a recolutionary uprising erupted. Soon after, an 11-mile walk to King Louis door began. As a result of the royals speech to the commoners, the royals were stuck in Paris.
  • The Constitution of 1791

    The Constitution of 1791
    The Third Estate drafted the Constitution of 1791, which established a constitutional monarchy. Institutions such as "injurious to liberty and equality of rights" were abolished under this constitution. It was composed of three main branches: legislative, executive, and judicial. Women's rights were totally stripped away by the constitution. They had no freedom of expression, no right to be education, etc. Fortunately, on September 22, 1792, the National proclaimed France a republic.
  • Execution of King Louis XVI

    Execution of King Louis XVI
    France was under the attack by Prussian allies and Austrain army. King Louis was trying to flee the country and was looked At as a traitor for his actions. King Louis and his wife was on charges of counterrevolution. Louis XVI was guillotine in the place de la revolution
  • Napoleon's Rise to Power

    Napoleon's Rise to Power
    During the French Revolutionary Wars, Napoleon had success in Italy but setbecks in Europe. At the age of 24, he promoted to brigadier general. He was given command of the French Army in Italy. Nepoleon successfully conquered Italy during the French Revolutionary Wars and was welcomed as a hero in France. He returned home and formed an alliance with the 5 States of Directory, but overthrew them and gained control in a strategic move.
  • The Reign of Terror

    The Reign of Terror
    A time of strife between two political forces, the Girondins (moderate republicans) and the Jacobins (radical republicans). The Committee of Public Safety and Military, which was led by Robespierre, was at the forefront of it. They were radical revolutionaries. Churches were robbed and burned, nobles were executed, and ordinary citizens were executed for refusing to support the revolt. The Jacobins were victorious and more ruthless in their tactics. In 1794, Robespierre was deposed.
  • The 5 Man of Directory

    The 5 Man of Directory
    The directory was a five-person committee that rules France, but it was unsuccessful. They refused to reform the economy, instead relying on the army and violence, and ultimately devolved into dictatorship. The state's finance were in total mess. They were constantly to odds with European countries. For feign, domestic relations, and finance, they relied on the Army. Their unpopularity was at an all-time high, making it convenient for Napolean to depose them in 1799.
  • Battle of the Nile

    Battle of the Nile
    The battle of the Nile had several important effects. It isolated napoleons army and Egypt, so it insured its ultimate this integration. It also ensures that in overtime, Malta would be re-taken from the French, and both heightened British prestige
    secured British control of the Mediterranean.
  • War of second coalition

    War of second coalition
    The war of the second coalition happened in November 29, 1798. It was a second revolutionary War for the French, followed by most of the other European monarchies. Their goal was to put a stop to the expansion on the French republic and to restore the monarchy in France. This war led to French victory.
  • Napolean as a First Consul

    Napolean as a First Consul
    Plotters decide to overthrow the 5 Man Directory when Napolean returns to Paris. Napolean was only supposed to play a minor in this, but he saw it as an opportunity to gain more influence. Napolean used bus power to create and amend laws, as well as designate the First Consul. He became stronger as he achieved successes in war and politics and he was rewarded for hus efforst. For the rest of his life, he held the title of First Consul, which later changes into dictatorship.
  • French Revolutionary Wars

    French Revolutionary Wars
    French revolutionary was a widespread of the French monarchy and the poor economic policies of king Louis XVI. Conflicts between the infant French republic and a variety of European powers armed. The French revolution are you wars had included mostly every significant European power. The nations Armed Forces had been compromised and weakend by the revolution.
  • The purchase of Louisiana

    The purchase of Louisiana
    Nepoleon received Louisiana territory after he deliberately forced Spain into signing the secret treaty of San Lldefonso, Baare by he had the power to acquire the territory. Napoleon, however, passes over Louisiana territory to America by signing a treaty in which in return he will have received a huge of money. He gave the Louisiana territory to America because he needs that money so that he and his arm he could prepare for the great French war by having weapons chips etc.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte

    Napoleon Bonaparte
    Napoleon was a French military leader who was ambitious. War was the clear on him more often then he declared war on others. He play the game better than others and had a lot of power one season great conquers are dictators. Napoleon had a good life and had accomplishments.
  • French invasion of Russia

    French invasion of Russia
    Napoleon assemble his army to invade Russia because of their abolishing from the continental system. The winter weather in Russia can be harsh and that may have been an advantage for the Russians because the French armies struggled with food warm clothing etc. This invasion was terribly when it comes to the amount of laws. Russia lost over more than 200,000 and France lost more than 300,000 people. If Napoleon and had invaded Russia I think he would have had a strong army.
  • The Battle of Waterloo

    The Battle of Waterloo
    The Battle of Waterloo was the final battle of the French Revolution and it was the last battle Napoleon Boneparte ever fought in. The Battle of Waterloo was fought in present day Belgium. Napoleon’s French forces were outnumbered by the combined armies of the English and the Prussians, led by British officer the Duke of Wellington. When Napoleon was defeated, the French throne was once again given to King Louis XVIII. Napoleon was exiled to an island.