Atlantic World and Discovery of the New World

  • Aug 3, 1492

    Columbus Sailed the Ocean Blue

    Columbus Sailed the Ocean Blue
    Christopher Columbus's journey across the Atlantic in 1492 is a widely known journey because of his discoveries. Italian Christopher Columbus went to Queen Isabella of Spain and told her of his plan to find a new sea route to Asia to find spices. She agreed to finance his trip, and in 1492, he set off on his journey with three ships. He found what he thought was India, when it was in fact North America. His discovery would be remembered for centuries to come.
  • Sep 23, 1511

    First Enslaved Africans Arrive in America

    First Enslaved Africans Arrive in America
    People in the Americas were in need of cheap labor. In 1511 they were inspired to bring over African slaves by the Muslims. The slaves were used for work on plantations to do the jobs that were very dangerous and hard. By the time the slave trade ended, nearly 1.7 million slaves had been brought over by the triangle trade system.
  • Aug 13, 1521

    Cortez Conquers Aztec Empire

    Cortez Conquers Aztec Empire
    Hernan Cortez and his fellow conquistadors had set off in Mexico with the goal of finding gold when they stumbled upon the Aztec Empire. Montezuma, the leader of the Aztecs, believed he was a god and therefore granted his every wish. From there, he was able to conquer the Aztecs with the help of his translator/lover, Malinche and the European diseases killing off the natives.
  • Aug 29, 1533

    Pizarro Conquers Incan Empire

    Pizarro Conquers Incan Empire
    Pizarro, of Spain, conquered the Incan Empire in Peru with 180 men through trickery. He captured the ruler, Atahualpa, and held him for ransom. When the Spanish received the ransom of gold and silver, instead of returning the ruler to his people, they killed him. Then, the Spanish forced the native Incans to do hard labor.
  • English Found Jamestown

    English Found Jamestown
    In 1607, one hundred Englishmen founded Jamestown. Although the colony in Virginia went though stuggles getting people to colonize, in the end the British had a good balance of people to grow crops for food and to occupy the colony. This is why Jamestown with the first permanent settlement for the British.
  • English Found Plymouth

    English Found Plymouth
    In 1620, a group of people called the Pilgrims founded Plymouth. These English colonists sought religious freedom. They were somewhat able to make peace with the Native Americans of the land. Because of this, they were able to maintain an overall successful colony.
  • French and Indian War Ended

    French and Indian War Ended
    The French and Indian war with a pretty long war fought between the French and the British sparked by the British pushing on the borders of the French colonies, interfering with the French. The dispute over the Ohio Valley ultimately led to the start of the war. The French and Indian war became part of the Seven Years' War. Eventually, the British won.