New world map 1808

Atlantic World and Discovery of the New World

By mgolob1
  • Aug 3, 1492

    Columbus sailed the ocean blue

    Columbus sailed the ocean blue
    The Spaniard, Christopher Columbus sets sail on the Nina, Pinta, and the Santa Maria. He thinks that by sailing west, he will find the East Indies without having to pass by Portugal. He finds a new continent without knowing he did and he thinks he found India. Columbus can't seem to find any otherth famous ports, so he dies thinking that he's a failure.
  • Aug 20, 1511

    First enslaved Africans arrive in the Americas

    First enslaved Africans arrive in the Americas
    After the long journey across the Atlantic, the Africans finally make it to America, soon to be sold into slavery. This marks a big moment for American history. These slaves would soon work the fields and work long hard hours.
  • Aug 13, 1521

    Cortés conquers Aztec Empire

    Cortés conquers Aztec Empire
    Cortés comes in contact with the Aztecs and they think that he's the Serpent God, so he asks for Gold. He keeps asking for gold and they question why, and he says that he has a disease that only gold can cure. He soons takes over this empire because of the spreading disease that kills most of the population. They also have guns and horses, giving the Spanish the advantage.
  • Jul 26, 1533

    Pizarro conquers Incan Empire

    Pizarro conquers Incan Empire
    Pizarro, another Spainaird, conquers the Incan Empire with three things: Guns, Germs, and Steel. Guns: the Europeans had stronger weaponry such as guns, compared to the Incan bow and arrows. Germs: the Europeans were immune to the diseases but the Natives weren't, killing most of them. Steel: Europeans had so much of iron, oil, and coal, all of the things that make steel. The Europeans also had horses.
  • English found Jamestown

    English found Jamestown
    This was the fist colony that succeeded. Although it wasn't successful at first, Jamestown will eventually become the capital of Virginia. This new colony was filled with Europeans seeking religious freedom.
  • English found Plymouth

    English found Plymouth
    The Pilgrams along with other Europeans seeking religous freedom arrived at Plymouth from the Mayflower ship. These people create their own government to take care of themselves, creating a very productive colony.
  • French and Indian War ends

    French and Indian War ends
    Even though it's not in the title, it is actually the English who are fighting the French and the Indians. What's confusing is that the Indians fought on both sides. This war is over land (as always). The war is actually called the 7 years war, but the most known part of the war is the French and Indian War.