
By Sebbaer
  • Oct 5, 1492

    Columbus sailed the ocean blue

    Columbus sailed the ocean blue
    Columus was a Spanish explorer who left Spain in 1492 wanting to find a route west to India. He landed first on an island in the Caribbean which he named San Salvador. He called the natives "Indians" thinking he was in India.
  • Oct 5, 1511

    First African slaves arrive in america

    First African slaves arrive in america
    Starts a big boom of the use of slaves from Africa. Slaves become a commodity. The Spanish brought African slaves to thier colonies to first work in mine then on sugar plantations.
  • Oct 5, 1521

    Cortés conquers Aztec Empire

    Cortés conquers Aztec Empire
    Came seeking gold for Spain. He found wealthy race of people called the Aztects. They were lead by Montezuma II who thought Cortés was a god and offered him gold. Then Cortés conquered him and started a Spanish empire- eventually called the Viceroyaity of New Spain. Also opens lots of possibilities for Spain.
  • Oct 10, 1533

    Pizzaro conquers the Incan empire

    Pizzaro conquers the Incan empire
    Pizzaro an Italian in serviace of Spain. Conquered the Inccans which lead to the Viceroyality of Peru. It also led to the encomienda system used to force the Natives to mine silver and work plantations.
  • England founds Jamestown

    England founds Jamestown
    Englands first colony. It does not start out well. 7/10 people die. Settlers not intersted in farming want gold. Had 3 ships and about 100 settlers named Jamestown in honor of their king.
  • England founds Plymoth

    Founded by the pilgrams who are a group of people that were procecuted for their religious beleifes in England. The pilgrims saught religous freedom.
  • French and Indian war end

    French and Indian war end
    Leads to the British having more land and the French loosing some of their land. The French and Indian war was a smaller part of the 7 years war which was the European countries trying to obtain more land and power. Which let England control most of the eastern part of North America.