Ariz timeline

  • Preschool

    I went to Euro kids when I was 3 to 4 I learnt many things and we also got to go to field trips and many more I loved the trial field trips because we could go out and do many things and learn. or classes were not to long I love to go into the baby. Pool It was my favourite thing to do
  • Football ⚽️

    Football is one of my favourite sports and it’s not like any other sports I played for a few days and then leave it football is a sport I still play to this day
  • 1 grade

    I was 5 to 6 when I was in first grade I was Jain heritage I was new to the school so I didn’t know much but I really like the school, but the food wasn’t good The classes were long but they were that long and like to go into the baby pool and swim
  • 2 grade

    Second grade was same as first, but few changes like the timings, lunch and snack were different and few classes or or changed around and classes were longer The learning was pretty hard but still easy for second grade.
  • 3 grade

    Third grade I was about 7 to 8 I really like third grade because I had favourite teacher I don’t remember her name. but she was very good. The third grade classes were long and my best friend. I don’t remember his name but he was the first best friend I had,, in first and second grade I had friends not best friends
  • 4 grade

    I was 8 to 9 I don’t remember much but I know that COVID-19 had start and online school. I don’t like online school because you added to every day wake up type a code and much more pressure normal school but it was still okay cause I could eat home food
  • 5 grade

    I was 9 to 10 when I was in fifth grade It was also online school so I didn’t like it much. I don’t remember much but I still know that COVID-19 is still here and I hate it. Nothing special. It was same as fourth day at home. Go to a zoom call sometime sleep and repeat