Arab-Israeli Conflict

  • 1948 War

    1948 War
    Israel declared independence. Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq attacked Israel. As a result, Israel got more land, Egypt got the Gaza Strip, and Jordan got the West Bank and East Jursalem. Many Palestinians and Jews became refugees.
  • Settlement Construction Begins

    Settlement Construction Begins
    Israeli communists started settling on land captured in the 1967 War. More and more communities settled over time; there are now
    about 300,000 West Bank settlers. Some critisize the settlements and say they ae built on land that’s supposed to be for the Palestinian state and that they make travel in the West Banks more difficult. Israel and Palestine must make a peace agreement.
  • 1967 War (Six Day War)

    1967 War (Six Day War)
    Egypt blockaded Israel. Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Iraq moved troops to Israel's borders and made threats . Israel launched a discouraging strike. As a result, Israel captured the West Bank and East Jerusalem from Jordan, the Golan Heights from Syria, and the Gaza Strip and all of Sinai Peninsula from Egypt. More Palestinians and Jews became fugitives. Terrorism became more common.
  • Attrition Battles

    Attrition Battles
    Israel got new land from Egypt in the 1967 Wars- they were willing to give up other territory for peache and the right to exist, but Arab nations got together and said they weren't willing to make peace with Israel. Egypt then began small scale attacks on Israel, and the PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) attacked Israeli personnel and civilization. They also carried out to hijackings and airplane attacks outside of Israel until 1971 when Jordan evicted PLO.
  • October War/Yom Kippur War

    October War/Yom Kippur War
    Egypt and Syria attacked Israel, although Israelis were able to push back the attack. The USA convinced Israel to withdraw the territories it had entered. After the war, the Israelis ended up keeping their captured territories from 1967 but they weren’t able to keep any additional land.
  • Egypt and Israel Sign a Peace Agreement

    Egypt and Israel Sign a Peace Agreement
    Egypt and Israel sign a peace agreement. Jordan later accepts Israel; which makes it the second Arab country to recognize Israel.
  • The 1982 Lebanon War

    The 1982 Lebanon War
    PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) units in southern Lebanon attacked communities more and more in northern Israel. Military presence was maintained to prevent widespread terrorism renewed attacks from southern Lebanon, but then just led to another Lebanon War.
  • The First Intifada

    The First Intifada
    The Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and West Bank engage in an uprising against Israel. This conflict continued until the Oslo Accords were signed.
  • The Oslo Accords

    The Oslo Accords
    The Oslo Accords led to the creation of Palestinian Authority.They were intended to lead to permanent settlement with Israel giving land for peace and security.
  • Israel and Jordan Sign Peace Treaty

    Israel and Jordan Sign Peace Treaty
    The U.S. led a diplomatic process to help Jordan and Israel achieve peace. Trade, tourism, business relations. cultural exchanges, and scientific cooperation between the two states have increased since the agreement was signed.
  • Camp David Summit

    Camp David Summit
    Bill Clinton brought Israel Prime minister and Palestine president to Camp David to negotiate. The goal of the summit was two sides living in peace, which was not achieved and there was further conflict.
  • The Second Intifada

    The Second Intifada
    Israeli General Ariel Sharon Visited the Jewish temple Mount (which had major importance to Muslims as well). Palestinians said the visit was a lack of progress and started to not - began Second Intifada. Israel was terrorized by numerous suicide bombers, killing hundreds of civilians. their military went to major population centers and prolonged conditions. Some say it never ended; there was no official date.
  • Israel Begins Construction on the West Bank Barrier

    Israel Begins Construction on the West Bank Barrier
    Israel starts building a wall to separate citizens from terrorists groups in the West Bank. The wall was criticized for separating Palestinians from their land, so they had to go through many security checkpoints to get there.
  • Arab Peace Initiative is Proposed

    Arab Peace Initiative is Proposed
    Prince Abdullah is crowned prince of Saudi Arabia, and is now king. he proposed a peace action in return for Israel giving back the territories they got from the 1967 war, recognition of an independent Palestine, and Jerusalem as its capital. It was seen as a major breakthrough since it was proposed.
  • The Roadmap For Peace is Proposed

    The Roadmap For Peace is Proposed
    roadmap for peace is proposed by the “Quartet” (the USA, Russia, The European Nation, and the United Nations). divided into three phases but never passed the first. the process stopped completely when Hamas was elected in Palestine in 2006 but Muhmoud Abbas later destroyed the Hamas government principles for the roadmap.
  • Israel Disengages from Gaza

    Israel Disengages from Gaza
    Prime minister Ariel Sharon moved ahead with policy of separating Israel and Palestine. also wanted israel to be moved from the Gaza strip. Israelis living in the Gaza Strip didn’t want to leave but they left anyway so the Palestinians could govern themselves.
  • Hamas is Elected

    Hamas is Elected
    Palestinians elected Hamas members into authority. many Palestinians saw the previous government as corrupt. Hamas called for the destruction of Israel and the killing of jews. the western nations imposed sanctions, suspended aid to Palestine authority, but said it would be lifted when Palestine accepted Israel.
  • The 2006 Lebanon War

    The 2006 Lebanon War
    Hezbollah (an Islamic organazation) was determined to destroy Israel, and crossed the border on July 11th. They killed, tormented and kidnapped some Israelis, and the Israelis fought back as well. Property damage and loss of many civilian lives and occured from this incident.
  • The Battle of Gaza

    The Battle of Gaza
    Hamas military attacked taran members through Gaza. Western sanction to the P.A. were lifted after the Hamas government was dissolved.
  • The Gaza War

    The Gaza War
    Israel attacked hamas targets in Gaza in attempt to stop bombing. hundreds of militants were killed, many citizens and buildings also were destroyed.
  • Gaza Flotilla Incident

    Gaza Flotilla Incident
    Israel and Egypt began to blockade ships to Gaza. Turkey demanded an apology from Israel.
  • The Arab Spring

    The Arab Spring
    Protest spread from Tonisia across the Arab world. The long term impact of the ongoing changes in Arab nations on the Arab-Israeli conflict and peace is not yet visible.