Arab-Israeli COnflict

  • Period: to

    conflict in the middle east

  • Egypt takes control of Suez Canal.

    Egypt takes control of Suez Canal.
  • Israel launches attack on Egypt's Sinai peninsula and drives toward Suez Canal

    Israel launches attack on Egypt's Sinai peninsula and drives toward Suez Canal
  • The Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) is formed.

    The Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) is formed.
  • The Arab-Israeli War of 1967

    The Arab-Israeli War of 1967
    it begins when Israel launched an air attack on Egypt, Jordan, and Syria in response to the request by the Egyptian president Nasser that the UN withdraw its forces from Egyptian territory and the buildup of Arab armies by Israel's borders. SIx days later, Israel occupies the Sinai Peninsula, Golan Heights, Gaza Strip and West Bank.
  • the largest Arab-Israeli

    the largest Arab-Israeli
    It begins when Egyptian and Syrian forces attack Israel as Jews mark Yom Kippur, the most holy day in their calendar. Arab gains get turned when an attack happens
  • Signature for peace

    Signature for peace
    Egypt and Israel sign a peace treaty, which ends 30 years of war and establishes diplomatic relations.
  • broken treaty

    broken treaty
    the peace in the middle east was broken when the Israelis launch a big assault on Lebanon.
  • the accord

    the accord
    an accord is placed between Israel and Lebanon. As part of the agreement, Israel agrees to withdraw from Lebanon.