Izrael 374 1

Ancient Israel

  • 1943 BCE

    God's Convenant With Abraham

    God's Convenant With Abraham
    God promised Abraham that if he went to Canaan, that he would give Abraham the land of Canaan so that people will learn that there is only one God in the world
  • 1415 BCE

    Exodus From Egypt

    Exodus From Egypt
    The Israelite Exodus from Egypt, recounted in the Bible, tells of the oppression of the Israelites as slaves in Egypt, their flight from the country led by Moses and their journey through the wilderness before eventually settling in the "Promised Land".
  • 1099 BCE

    Romans Capture Jerusalem

    Romans Capture Jerusalem
    On Tuesday, June 7th, 1099, the First Crusade arrived before the city of Jerusalem and began a siege which would end with its capture on Friday, July 15th. On Tuesday, June 7th, 1099, the First Crusade arrived before the city of Jerusalem and began a siege which would end with its capture on Friday, July 15th.
  • 971 BCE

    Solomon Becomes King

    Solomon Becomes King
    Before David Died he appointed to his son to be the King of Israel at the age of 12 in that year. The way King Solomon got to be the King of Israel was because his farther told him that he would be the King of Israel a the age of 12.
  • 740 BCE

    Assyrians Conquer Northern Kingdom of Israel

    Assyrians Conquer Northern Kingdom of Israel
    Assyria’s conquest of the northern kingdom of Israel began approximately 740 BC under King Pul.
  • 605 BCE

    Nebuchadnezzer Conquers Judah

    Nebuchadnezzer Conquers Judah
    The struggle between Judah and Babylon was long and ultimately disastrous for Judah.The beginning of Jehoiakim’s servitude was 605 BC. Three years later, Judah’s king rebelled against Babylon, refusing to pay the tribute.
  • 539 BCE

    Cyrus Conquers Babylon

    Cyrus Conquers Babylon
    After the death of Nebuchadnezzar, the Neo-Babylonian Empire begins to lose power. It was conquered in about 539 BC by Cyrus the Great.
  • David Starts Jerusalem

    David Starts Jerusalem
    After a seven and a half reign in Heron, representatives of all tribes of Israel gathered to call up upon David to lead a United Israel as King. As David agreed, he made a strategic move different from all the judges as well as King Saul who preceded him.
  • Abraham Sent to Sacrafice Isaac

    Abraham Sent to Sacrafice  Isaac
    The sacrifice of Isaac put Abraham to his most agonizing test, a trial which he passed completely because of his total faith in Go.
  • Revolt of the Maccabee

    Revolt of the Maccabee
    The ancient Israelites, led by Judas Maccabeus, did vanquish the oppressor Antiochus – but Greek rule would only be shaken off 20 years later under Judas’ younger brother.