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Ancient History Timeline

  • 4250 BCE

    Mesopotamia Summarized

    Mesopotamia Summarized
    Mesopotamia had many advancements. They had city-states and Gilgamesh. Mesopotamia sat upon the Fertile Crescent, and lasted from about 5000 BCE to 3500 BCE.
  • 4000 BCE


    Sumer was an Egyptian civilization. It had Ziggurats. It also featured Cuneiform.
  • 3100 BCE

    Tigris and Euphrates

    Tigris and Euphrates
    The Tigris and Euphrates rivers very important. They provided travel waterways. They also helped the agriculture/irrigation.
  • 2600 BCE


    Harappa was an Indus River Valley civilization. They were very advanced for their time. They had a sewer system, toilets, and plumbing.
  • 2500 BCE

    Old Kingdom

    Old Kingdom
    The Old Kingdom in Egypt was when pyramids were built. The oldest known pyramid is Djoser. At this time, pharaohs were considered gods.
  • 1810 BCE


    Hammurabi was an Egyptian ruler. He created "Hammurabi's Code." This was a system of law that had very harsh punishments.
  • 1600 BCE

    New Kingdom

    New Kingdom
    The New Kingdom was a time of expansion in ancient Egypt. Pharaohs such as Ramses II and Hatshepsut were at times ruling. Architecture like the Great Sphinx and Abu Simbel were built, and hieroglyphics were written.
  • 1500 BCE


    The Aryans were Indo-European Nomads. They created the Vedas. They were polytheistic and believed in a mother goddess.
  • 551 BCE


    Confucianism was a religious-like belief in Ancient China. It was believed that in Confucianism, one shall know their role in society. They also believed in effective government, and that leaders should be educated.
  • 221 BCE

    The Qin Dynasty

    The Qin Dynasty
    During the Qin Dynasty, many advancements took place. Shi Huangdi was ruler and enforced legalism. Also, The Great Wall of China was developed.
  • 100 BCE


    Daoism is a religious-like belief that says to yield to nature and the universe. It focuses less on government. It concerns the importance of "Focus on the Dao."
  • 900

    They Mayans

    They Mayans
    The Mayans were one of the first to settle in North America. They are believed to have fought a civil war over religion. They are many hieroglyphics left behind by the Mayans.