Ancient Greece

  • 323

    Death of Alexander the Great

    Died on June 323 BC in Babylon, Iraq. Died of fever that lasted for 10 days.
  • 335

    Aristotle founds the Lyceum

    Aristotle founds the Lyceum
    Aristotle establishes his own school in a gymnasium and library and the lectures were free.
  • 336

    Alexander the Great becomes king of Macedonia

    Alexander the Great was proclaimed king at age 20 when his father died.
  • 431

    Peloponnesian Wars

    Ancient Greek war fought by Athens and its empire against the Peleponnesian League led by Sparta.
  • 447

    Construction of the Parthenon

    Construction of the Parthenon
    Temple on the Heropolis of Athens and was replaced by the one the Persians destroyed.
  • 500

    Golden Age of Athens

    Golden Age of Athens
    Given us the great monuments, arts, philosophy, architecture which are the building blocks of our own civilization.
  • Sep 24, 735

    The Iliad and Odyssey recorded in writing

    The Iliad and Odyssey recorded in writing
    Written by Homer. These storys spoke of the wars.
  • Sep 24, 770

    Invention of Greek Alphabet

    Invention of Greek Alphabet
    Started with adoption of Phoeician letter forms. The Phoeician alphabet consisted of constants, by the 9th century, it had developed into vowels.
  • Sep 24, 776

    First Ancient Olympic Games

    First Ancient Olympic Games
    Dedicated to Olympian gods and were staged in Olympia.
  • Sep 24, 1100

    Dorian Invations

    Concept devised by historians of Ancient Greece to explain the replacement of pre-classical dialects and traditions in southern Greece by the ones that prevailed in Classical Greece.
  • Sep 24, 1100

    Drak Age Of Greece

    Drak Age Of Greece
    Old major settlements were abandoned and population dropped dramatically in numbers. Many people lived in small groups that moved constantly with their pastural lifestyle and livestock needs.
    People left no written rocords behind making us believe they were illiterate but they were not.
  • Sep 24, 1200

    Sea peoples begin Raids in Eastern Mediterranean

    Virtually destroyed all the major powers of the Mediterranean, and cleared the way for the ride of the Greeks.
  • Sep 24, 1250

    Trojan War

    Trojan War
    Conflict between city of Troy by the Achaears Greek after Paris of Troy took Helen from her husband Menelaus king of Sparta.
    Most importannt event in Greek Mythology. Narrated through Homers IIiad.
  • Sep 24, 1400

    Mycenean Civilization

    Historical setting of much of ancient Greek literature and myth, including the epics of Homer.
  • Destruction of Palace at Knossos

    This palace at Knossos was undoubtedly the ceromonial and political centre of the Minoan Civilization. Inside there were maze of workrooms, living spaces, storerooms, etc.
  • Solen ends Draconian Laws

    Lays the foundation for Democracy. Solon introduced to Athens the first coinage and a system of weights and measures.
  • Athenian Democracy begins

    Was developed in the Greek city states of Athens. Where the poeple do not elect representatives to vote on their behalf but vote on Legislation and Executive bills in their own right. (Direct Democracy)
  • Kleisthenes reforms Athenian Law Code

    Establishes a domocratic Constitution.
  • Persian Wars

    Persian Wars
    A series of wars fought by Greek state and Persia over a period of almost half a century.
  • Battle of Marathon

    Fought between the citizens of Athens aided by Plataea, and a persian force commanded by Datis and Artaphernes.
  • Battle of Thermopylae

    First battle between the Persians and Greeks during the Persian Invasions. Greeks force was small but determined.
  • Battle of Salamic

    Battle fought between an Alliance of Greek city-states and the Persian Empire on both mainland and insland.
  • Delian League established

    Confederacy of Acient Greek states under the leadership of Athens. Headquartes at Delos.
  • Helot Revolt against Sparta

    Demestic conflict that erupted into Sparts following the restoration of the Spartan monarchy in early 379 BC.
  • Trail and Execution of Socrates

    Socrates accusers cities two 'impious' acts; Failing to acknowledge the gods that the city acknowledges and 'introducing new deitied'.
  • Phillip II becomes king of Macedonia

    He used skilled military and diplomatic tactics to expand his country territory and influence. He ended up dominating almost of all of his neighboring Greek city-states. He was assassinated in July 336 at age 46 and was succeeded by his son, Alexander the Great.
  • Macedonian Army defeats Athens

    Alexander left Greece in 334. The Greeks assumed that in Alexander’s absence any Macedonian army must be led by Antipater.
  • Minoan Civilization

    Minoan Civilization
    Minoan Hieroglyphic scripts are invented. They did many unique Arts and Architecture.