Ancient Greece

  • 323

    Death of Alexander the Great

    Death of Alexander the Great
    The death of Alexander the great died in the year 323BC. He became a king after his father died in 366BC
  • 460


    Hippocrates was famous because he was an ancient physicain who practiced medicine on the Greek island Cos, after his death, he became the most famous person in ancient medicine.
  • 470


    Socrates was born near Athens and lived there for most of his life. He is famous for his philosophical methods.
  • Jan 1, 776

    First Olympic Games held

    First Olympic Games held
    The first Olympic Games were held in 776BC. The men competed naked and women were not allowed to be there. The first Olympic Games were held in Greece in Olympia.
  • Jan 1, 1194

    Trojan War

    Trojan War
    Thre Trojan War was a war between Greece and the city Troy. Greece made a massive horse and got in it. Troy belevied that Greece went home. Troy thought they had won the war but greece come out of the horse and took them by surprise. Greece defeted Troy. The battle went from 1184BC to 1194BC. Some scholars beleive that there was no war and its all a myth.
  • Battle of Marathon

    Battle of Marathon
    This battle took place at 490BC. There were Threeinvasions. The persians were Mahathon most dangerous enemies. when Marathon won they sent there runner Miltiadas to run to Athens to say that they had won the war. when he had told the message he droped dead. The run was 40km and a marathon is just over 40km.
  • Pythagras

    Puthagoras is know for formulating the Pythagorean Theorem. He was a Greek philosoper and mathematician.