Ancient Egypt - Sofia Gil, Isabella Marin, and Paula Andrea Giraldo

By SoPaIs2
  • 2925 BCE

    Menes United Egypt

    Menes was the first king of the upper Egypt that unified both lands, he conquer the lower Egypt making it only one land. He made Egypt a centralized monarchy.
  • Period: 2575 BCE to 2130 BCE

    Old Kigndom

    The Old Kingdom was called the "Age of the Pyramids", it had the magnificent monuments built by rulers. The history of Egyptian civilization in the Old Kingdom was politically stable and prosperous. The history of Egyptian civilization in the Old Kingdom was politically stable and prosperous. The divine rule of the kings or pharaohs was established. The ancient Egyptians started building of elaborate burial sites and complexes.
  • Period: 1938 BCE to 1630 BCE

    Middle Kingdom

    An extensive Irrigation system was initiated in the Faiyum region which significantly increased the farming capabilities of the region. Queen Sobeknefru became the first known female ruler of Egypt but died in her short reign leaving no heir. This ended the period of the Middle Kingdom which was followed by the 2nd Intermediate period that led to the conquest and rule of the Hyksos.
  • 1650 BCE

    Hyksos Conquer Egypt

    Hyksos was the dynasty of Palestinian origin that ruled the northern Egypt as the 15th dynasty. The name Hyksos was used by the Egyptian historian Manetho, who, according to the Jewish historian Flavius Josephus translated the word as “king-shepherds." Josephus himself wished to demonstrate the great antiquity of the Jews and thus identified the Hyksos with the Hebrews of the Bible. Hyksos was in fact probably an Egyptian term for “rulers of foreign lands” and it almost certainly.
  • Period: 1539 BCE to 1075 BCE

    New Kingdom

    The New Kingdom was noted for its territorial expansion and its richness of architecture and art under rulers such as Amenhotep III and Ramses II. Akhenaten, a king of the 18th dynasty, instigated a religious revolution based at Armana. The pyramidal form of royal tomb was abandoned many New Kingdom rulers were buried in tombs that were hidden in the Valley of the Kings in western Thebes.
  • Period: 1479 BCE to 26 BCE

    Reign of Tutmose III

    He is considered one of the greatest rulers of Ancient Egypt. During the reign of Thutmose, he conquered all Syria, crossing the Euphrates to defeat the Mauritanians, and doing a penetration along the Nile River to Napata in the Sudan. He also built a great number of temples to commemorate his deeds.
  • Period: 1473 BCE to 58 BCE

    Reign of Hatsshepsut

    Hatshepsut was a powerful and intelligent leader. Some people in the governement was very royal to her. After a few years of being regent, she decided to become Pharaoh. She had herself named Pharaoh. She took charge of the country. Hatshepsut was a good leader had to be to remain in power for 20 years as a woman pharaoh. Rather than go to war, she established trade relationships with many foreign countries. Through trade she made Egypt a rich nation. When se ruled, everything was in peace.
  • Period: 1279 BCE to 13 BCE

    Reign of Ramses II

    His reign was the second longest in the Egyptian history. His most important wars were against Hittites and Libyans, he is also known for his statues and extensive buildings that where on all over Egypt.
  • 525 BCE

    Persian conquer Egypt

    When Persia conquest Egypt, Cambyses II conquer the fourth major power of the ancient near east, following up the series of conquest created by his father, Cyrus II the Great. He inherited the throne after his father's death in battle in the north-eastern corner of his empire in 530 BC. Cambyses quickly secured the throne, although only after killing his brother, Bardiya.
  • 332 BCE

    Greeks conquer Empire

    Alejadnro Magno was the one who conquer Egypt, thoguh he was searching for the conquist of the Persian Empire. When the Egyptians were conquered, the greeks were amazed at the magnificent monuments in the place, because the arquitecture was better than theirs. When Ptolemy became the Pharaoh of Egypt he built a new capital, and united the two major gods of his nation. The Greek reign begun with Alexander the Great and ended with the suicied of Cleopatra.