Ancient Egypt

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    Part of the Roman Empire

    Part of the Roman Empire
    Egypt becomes a province of the Roman Empire
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    Octavian conquers Egypt

    Octavian conquers Egypt
    Octavian defeated Antony and Cleopatra in the sea Battle of Actium . Both Antony and Cleopatra committed suicide
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    Queen Cleopatra VII

    Queen Cleopatra VII
    marries Mark Antony
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    Cleopatra VII reigns

    was the mistress of Julius Caesar and gave birth to his son, Octavian.
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    Alexander the Great conquers Egypt

    Alexander the Great conquers Egypt
    Alexander the Great's his general, Ptolemy, becomes king and founds a dynasty. Greek culture spreads throughout Egypt. The city of Alexandria was founded and became famous for the Great Library and the great Lighthouse of Alexandria which was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.
  • Sep 30, 1075

    The 21st-25th Egyptian Dynasties the 3rd Intermediate Period

    The 21st-25th Egyptian Dynasties the 3rd Intermediate Period
    the Nubians conquer Egypt
  • Sep 30, 1400

    Ancient Egypt reached the height of its power

    King Thutmose III leads military expeditions to bring the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea under Egyptian rule
  • Sep 30, 1539

    King Akhenaten

    established a new religious order worshipping the sun god Aten.
  • The 15th-17th Egyptian Dynasties the 2nd Intermediate Period

    Hyksos raiders from Asia and moved into the Delta and introduced the Egyptians to the chariot
    Ahmose eventually expelled the Hyksos from Egypt
  • The Rosetta Stone is carved

    The Rosetta Stone is carved
  • The Old Kingdom

    The Great Pyramids of Egypt were built at Dahshur and Giza and revered as one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. King Unas who was the last ruler of the fifth dynasty had the burial chamber in his pyramid inscribed with spells for the afterlife.
  • The first Egyptian pyramid is built

    The Step Pyramid at Saqqara for King Zoser (aka Djoser) who was one of the kings of the 3rd Dynasty.
  • Began using hieroglyphics

    The First and second dynasties ruled Egypt. Hor-Aha, is considered to be the first king of the first Dynasty
  • Egyptian civilization begins

    King Narmer founds the first Egyptian dynasty