Ancient Egypt

  • 1347 B.C.-1338 B.C.

    Pharaoh Tut begins to rule Egypt.
  • 900 B.C.

    Egyptian power declines.
  • 776 B.C.

    The first Olympic games are held in Olympia,Greece
  • 663 B.C

    The Egyptian city of Thebes is sacked by Assyrians.
  • 332 B.C.

    Alexander the Great conquers Egypt bringing Greek culture to the land.
  • 323 B.C.

    Alexander the Great dies and the Ptolemies begin to govern Egypt.
  • 31 B.C

    Rome takes control of Egypt and makes it a part of Rome.
  • 30 B.C.

    Cleopatra the last Ptolemaic ruler comits suicide marking the end of kings and queens until modern Egypt.