Anciant Egypt Timeline 6°A Adriana Quintero and Maria Paula Olaya

By adri_qt
  • 4000 BCE

    Menes Unites Egypt

    Menes Unites Egypt
    Egypt was the cradle of the ancient Egyptian civilization, which together with the Mesopotamia were the origin of the current Western culture, decisively influencing the history of humanity.Government officials were just scribes who were promoted to higher positions. One of the government oficial scribes was once promoted to being a pharaoh.
  • Period: 2686 BCE to 2181 BCE

    Old Kingdom

    It was a civilization that arose when grouping the settlements located in the banks of the middle and low river bed of the Nile. It had three times of splendor in the periods denominated by the historians Old Empire, Middle Empire and New Empire.
  • Period: 2050 BCE to 1750 BCE

    Middle Kingdom

    Begins with the reunification of Egypt under Mentuhotep II, in the middle of the XIth Dynasty, ending the so-called first intermediate period of Egypt. This period comprises the second part of Dynasty XI and Dynasty XII.1 It was followed by the second intermediate period of Egypt. In this Empire Egypt is again divided.
  • Period: 1550 BCE to 1070 BCE

    New Kingdom

    Is known the historical period that begins with the reunification of Egypt under Amosis, with the arrival to the throne of the sovereigns of Libyan origin. Composed of the dynasties XVIII, XIX and XX.
  • Period: 1490 BCE to 1468 BCE

    reign of hatshepsut

    Hathepsut fue la primera reiana-faraon del pueblo egipcio, tambien era reconocda como la primera gobernante de 2 tierras, ella fue la 5 gobernar de dicha dinastia
    Su nombre comunmente era reconocido con el termino "La primera de las nobles damas" o "la principal dama de la nobleza".
  • Period: 1479 BCE to 1425 BCE

    Reign of Tutmose III

    Was the sixth pharaoh of the 18th dynasty of Egypt being one of the most important and powerful monarchs of the three thousand years of Pharaonic civilization. In the course of his reign, the Egyptian empire reached its maximum territorial extension. It is also known as Thutmose III, or Thutmose III, variants of its Hellenized name. He ruled with the titles of throne and birth of Menjeperra Dyehutymose.
  • Period: 1279 BCE to 1213 BCE

    Reign Of Ramsesll

    was the third pharaoh of the Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt. He is often regarded as the greatest, most celebrated, and most powerful pharaoh of the Egyptian Empire.[7] His successors and later Egyptians called him the "Great Ancestor". Ramesses II led several military expeditions into the Levant, reasserting Egyptian control over Canaan. He also led expeditions to the south, into Nubia, commemorated in inscriptions at Beit el-Wali and Gerf Hussein.
  • 525 BCE

    Persians Conquer Egypt

    Persians Conquer Egypt
    Cambises, conquer Egypt for the Persians. Egypt never accepted Persian rule, so conspiracies and uprisings were frequent. On several occasions he revolted and regained his independence for some time.
  • 332 BCE

    Greek Conquer Egypt

    Greek Conquer Egypt
    Some historians call the Greco-Roman period of Egypt to the time that passes from the entrance of Alexander Great in the country until the last phases of the Roman domination of Egypt, that concludes after the death of Theodosius I the Great.
  • 17 BCE

    Hyksos Conquer Egypt

    Hyksos Conquer Egypt
    With the term Hyksos is designated a human group coming from the Middle East that took control of the Lower Egypt in the middle of the 17th century