An Emerging Nation

By 11860
  • Nov 28, 1492

    Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus, which recounted his four voyages to the Americas.
  • Puritan Beliefs

    Many of the settlers in the 16007s were Purtians. Puritans were a group of English protestants who had sought to purify the Church of England.
  • First Colony

    The first permanent colony was established at Jamestown .
  • John Smith Book

    John Smith publishes " The General History of Virginia"
  • Public School

    North America's first public school is founded in Bosten
  • Puritan poetry

    the first book issued in the North American colonies was the "Bay Psalm Book"
  • First Book

    Bay Psalm Book is the first book to be printed in America
  • Matsuo Basho

    Japanese poet Matsuo Basho, known for revtalizing the haiku form, dies
  • The Enlightenment

    In the 1700s, there was a burst of intellectual energy taking place in Europe that came to be known as the Enlightment.
  • The Boston Newsletter

    the first American newspaper, is established
  • The Great Awakening

    Preachers such as Jonathan Edwards called for people to rededicate themselves to the original purtian vision, and a new wave of religious enthusiasm began to rise. This movement was called the First Great Awakening
  • Boston Tea Party

    The boston tea party marks a violent rejection of britains taxation policies. The Revolutionary war begins two years later.
  • End of American Revolution

    British defeat at Yorktown ends the American Revolution
  • The Constitution

    U.S Constitution is approved
  • Chinese Novel

    The Classic Chinese novel Dream of the Red Chamber