American Literary Movements

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    The Age of Enlightenment was the first American literary movement that was led by science and logic instead of religion which was almost unheard of at the time. Enlightened thinkers believed that advances in technology and science instead of faith and religion would better improve society.
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    The Age of Faith

    The religious movement that was founded in america to premote religion in the new world. This was led by the desire to influence everything with religious veiws and opinions.
  • Historic Event, Age of Faith, Salem Witch Trials

    The Salem Witch Trials that occured in Boston, Massachucets
  • Age of Faith Writer, Jonathan Edwards

    Famous sermon "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God".
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    The Age of Reason

    The literary movment that succeeded the Age of Faith and more over premoted logic and science instead of religion. The Age of Reason was the last movment in the enlightenment period of American literature.
  • Historic Events, Age of Reason, Revolutionary War Begins

    Revolutionary War begins when shots are fired at Lexington and Concord.
  • Age of Reason Writer, Thomas Paine

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    Romanticism was the literary period that cam after the Enlightenment period that focused more on the individual and nature instead of society.
  • Romanticism Writer, Washington Irving

    Famous Short Story "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow".
  • Historic Event, Romanticism, Texas War for Independence

    The War for Texas between the Texans and the Mexicans begins.
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    Trancendentalism was the movement that promoted the individuals intuitions and opinions and placed skeptisism on most religions.
  • Romanticism Writer, Edgar Allen Poe

  • Historic Events, Trancendentalism, Texas is Admitted to the United States of America

  • Historic Event, New Poetic Forms, Gold is Discovered in California

    Gold is discovered in California and the Gold rush begins.
  • Trancendentalist Writer, Henry David Thoreau

    Famous Book "Walden" is published after Thoreau leaves Walden pond.
  • New Poetic Forms, Walt Whitman

    Famous Collection "Leaves of Grass" is published for the first time.
  • Historic event, Realism, Civil War Begins

    The CiviI War began and paved the way for realist writters.
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    Realism was the literary movement that came to replace romanticism in the late 1800's. The realists didn't romanticise reality by focusing on the true details of society and nature.
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    Naturalism/ Sub Genre of Realism

    Naturalism was a branched off genre of realism. This new but similar style of writting was focused more on the cause and effect of peoples actions instead of just what they did.
  • Historic Event, Naturalism, Abraham Lincolin is Assassinated

    16th President of the United States of America is shot by Jhon Wilkes Booth.
  • Realism Writter, Mark Twain

    "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" is published. One of his greates works.
  • Realism Writter, Fredrick Douglass

    "Life and Times of Frederick Douglass" is published as an autobiography.
  • Naturalist Writter, Jack London

    "The War of the Classes" is published.
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    When the writting style of Modernism is brought about America was at it's high and lows. America was entering WWI and when that ended America prospered, but the the depression hit and America plummited. By the end the world was preparing for WWII.
  • Historic Event, Modernism, America Enters WWI.

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    The Harlem Renassance

    The Harlem Renassiance is the Depression era writing that came out of Black authors of New York. They focused on writing about what was going on, people and themselves.
  • Modern Writter, T.S. Eliot

    "The Waste Land" Dipicting the the fall of the war is published.
  • Historic Event, The Harlem Renaissance, The Stock Market Crashed

    The Great Depression begins.
  • Harlem Renassance Writter, Langston Hughes

    The Ways of White Folks" is Published.
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    Contemporary Literature

    This is the period of writting that has spaned the last century to the present day. Writings have been focused on the problems of every day people and that of the supernatural.
  • Contemperary Writter, Earnest Hemingway

    "For Whom the Bell Tolls" is published.
  • Historic Event, Contemperary, Japan Bombs Pearl Harbor

    America enters WWII which later leads to the Atomic Bomb being created and droped.
  • Contemperary Writter, J.D. Salinger

    "the Catcher in the Rye" is published.