Ambre's US History Timeline

  • Nazi's take over Germany

    Nazi's take over Germany
    At the end of World War I, Hitler had been a jobless soldier drifting around Germany. In 1919 he joined a struggling group called the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nazi Party) He proved himself to be a well public speaker, and quickly became the partys leader. He then promised to bring Germany out of chaos.
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  • The Flapper

    The Flapper
    Young woman who embraced the new fashions and urban attitudes of the day. Flappers compete in a Charleston dance competition in 1926. They wore close-fitting hats, bright waistless dresses an in above the knees, skin-toned silk stockings, sleek pumps, and strings of beads replaced the dark and prim ankle length dresses, whalebome corsets and petticoats. Young women became more assertive. It their bid for equal status with men, some began smoking cigarettes, drinking in public & talking about sex
  • Fascism in Italy

    Fascism in Italy
    Fascism is stressed nationalism and placed the interests of the state above those individuals. Benito Mussolini was establishing a totalitarian regime in Italy, whre unemployment and inflation produced bitter strikes, some communist-led.
  • speakeasies & bootleggers

    speakeasies & bootleggers
    "Speakeasies" were know to illegally obtain liquor, and went to underground, hidden saloons/nightclubs. When inside of the underground hidden saloon they had to speak quietly to avoid detection. Bootleggers, were named for a smuggler's practice of carrying liqour in the legs of their boots. They would smuggle it in from Canada, Cuba and West Indies.
  • Al Capone

    Al Capone
    When Al Capone was 26, headed a criminal empire in Chicago, which he controlled through bribes & violence. From 1925-31, he bootlegged whiskey from Canada, and operated breweries in Chicago and ran a network of 10,000 speakeasies. He liked to be called "Big Fellow" and in 1927 he was worth an estimated 100 million dollars. The end of Capone came quickly, in 1931, the gangster cheif was arrested for tax evasion and went to jail. He was later released from jail, but died several years later at age
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    The Great Depression

  • Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act

    Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act
    Congress pass the Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act; established the highest protective tariff in US history. It was designed to protect american farmers and manufacturers from foreign competitions.
  • Men in the streets

    Men in the streets
    A lot of men had a really difficult time dealing with getting layed off. They were all so accustomed to working and supporting their families. Almost everyday they would set out on the streets looking for jobs. A man named Frederick Lewis Allen noted that men who have been sturdy and self-respecting workers can take unemployment .
  • Bonus Army

    Bonus Army
    Hoover's image and public morale were damaged. Between 10,000 & 20,000 World War I verterans and their families arrived in Washington, D.C., from various parts of the country. They called them the Bonus Army.
  • Hoover's Philosophy

    Hoover's Philosophy
    Herbert Hoover was an engineer, and made a fortune mining engineer. He was also a humanitarian. which he made clear in one of his last speeches as president. Hoover beliebe that one of government's cheif functions was to foster cooperation between competing groups and interests in society.
  • The Persecution Begins

    The Persecution Begins
    Shortly after Hitler took power he ordered all "non-Aryans" to be removed from government jobs. This order was one of the first moes in a campaign for racial purity that eventually led to the Holocaust. Which was the systematic murder of 11 million people across Europe, more than half of whom were Jews.
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    World War II

  • Truman becomes president.

    Truman becomes president.
    On this day, all of a sudden Truman became president, since Franklin Roosevelt had died. Truman was picked as Roosevelt's running mate in 1944. Many people didnt think that he has the ability to serve as president.
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    The Cold War

  • The Rosenbergs

    The Rosenbergs
    Americans learned that the Soviet Union had exploded an atomic bomb. Many americans had predicted that it would take the Soviets three to five years to make the bomb. Some wonder if maybe Communist supporters in the United States had leaked the secret of the bomb.
  • North Korea vs South Korea

    North Korea vs South Korea
    North Korea forces swept across the 38th parallel in a surprise attatck on South Korea. The conflict then became known as the Korean War.