Alina's birthday timeline

By mialina
  • Period: to

    Birthday timeline

  • Birth

    I was born in Germany. It was a sunny, warm day.
  • First birthday

    First birthday
    My family gave me a lot of good presents.It was a good day!
  • Moving Day

    Moving Day
    We moved into our new house in Florida. I love the new couch!
  • Second birthday

    Second birthday
    I love my birthday cake! We celebrated in Florida at my grandparent's house.
  • Third birthday

    Third birthday
    It was a warm day. I was really happy with my colorful balloon.
  • Fourth birthday

    Fourth birthday
    I'm smiling.I'm wearing pink.It's a great day!
  • Halloween at Tutor Time

    Halloween at Tutor Time
    I was Rainbow Brite in the parade at Tutor Time for Halloween. I helped my Mom make the costume.
  • Fifth birthday

    Fifth birthday
    Look at all the presents I got everything that I wished for!
  • Easter

    My mommy helped me find Easter eggs. I got a lot of candy!
  • Smurf village

    Smurf village
    I built a smurf village in the sand with my grandparents. It was a hot, sunny day. We had lots of fun!
  • Sixth birthday

    Sixth birthday
    I finally got the cupcake birthday I always wanted! My favorite color is still pink.
  • Alligator Farm

    Alligator Farm
    It was a long drive to the Alligator Farm, but it was fun! I saw lots of alligators and snakes.
  • Seventh birthday

    Seventh birthday
    It was the best birthday ever! I spent the day with my family at the zoo.