Alexander the great

Alexander the great

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    Alexander died

    Alexander died
    Alexander planned to attack Arabia but he died one night before mysteriously. his son was not born and his empire broke into 3 parts
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    Alexander married Roxanne

    Alexander married Roxanne
    Alexander married a Persian noble woman Roxanne and took many Persian soldiers into his army.
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    Alexander entered North-west India

    Alexander entered North-west India
    Alexander entered North-west of India to recapture the rest of Persian empire.The king of Taxila joined him but other kings like Porus decided to fight.
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    Alexander defeated Persian army again

    Alexander defeated Persian army again
    Alexander defeated Persian army again at river Tigris and became the ruler of vast Persian empire at the age of 26. he added Syria,Israel and Egypt into his empire
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    Alexander defeated Persian king,Darius

    Alexander defeated Persian king,Darius
    Alexander crossed Asia Minor and defeated Persian king Darius in a great battle
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    King Philip was murdered

    King Philip was murdered
    King Philip was murdered and his son Alexander, only 20 years old became the king and he was a great soldier