Age of Reform

  • Tarbell and Standard Oil

    Tarbell and Standard Oil
    In November of 1902 McClure's magazine ran its first publication by Ida Tarbell telling the history of standard oil. Tarbell was the daughter of an oil poducer whose business went bankrupt because of Standard Oil. She believed that Rockefeller was unfair in his success and she wrote about it often.
  • Muller v. Oregon

    Muller v. Oregon
    In 1908 a employer declared the ten hour workday law unjust. Louis D Brandeis argued against this stating the health risks that a long workday caused. The court ruled that the law was just and Brandeis's defense became a model for others to use.
  • Society of American Indians

    Society of American Indians
    In 1911 50 American Indians formed the Society of American Indians. They attempted to improve education, health civil rights and local government for AI. This later caused more attempts at AI rights.
  • Triangle Shirtwaist Fire

    Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
    In the New York Triangle Shirtwaist Factory around 500 workers were beginning to leave work when a fire started in a rag bin. Soon the whole building (10 stories) was ablaze. 143 workers died in the fire before firefighters contained the fire. This caused a fire safety code to be enacted by New York
  • Prohibition

    In 1917 congress proposed the 18th Amendment which outlawed alcohol.This Amendment met strong opposition however. In 1933 it was repealed.