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Africa (mali,ghana,Songhai - Abdo altairi

By 3000960
  • Jan 1, 1100

    Ghana- silent barter

    Ghana- silent barter
    They used silent barter to trade when both sides of the trade don't speak the same language. This improved trading all around Africa
  • Jan 1, 1150

    Ghana- gold and salt

    Ghana- gold and salt
    Gold and salt were becoming more popular in trading. The reason people wanted gold because it was going to show power for kings and high wealthy people. Salt was good because it can preserve food over long period of time..
  • Jan 1, 1210

    Ghana’s Decline

    Ghana’s Decline
    This is when the empire was falling down. They were getting attacked by the muslims and got conqured
  • Jan 1, 1220


    A strong leader called Sundiata turned mali into an empire. Sundiata made his army and took back Mali.
  • Jan 1, 1249

    Mali- wealth

    Mali- wealth
    Mali grew rich and powerful. The were starting to be the richest people in history. Mana Musa is the richest man in history.
  • Jan 1, 1324

    Mali- Mansa Musa to hajj

    Mali- Mansa Musa to hajj
    Mansa Musa was a really rich man. Even though he was rich he did not let money take over him. He was a Muslim and he went on a pilgrimage to Mecca called Hajj
  • Jan 1, 1423

    Songhai- gets captured then rebelled

    Songhai- gets captured then rebelled
    In the 1300s Mansa Musa conquered Songhai to add to the growth of the empire. Then Mali started to get weak. The people of Songhai rebelled against mali and regained freedom
  • Jan 1, 1512

    Songhai- Askia the great rebelled against non-Muslim ruler.

    Songhai- Askia the great rebelled against non-Muslim ruler.
    Sunni Ali died then came, his son to rule but he was not a Muslim. The empire felt like he would change the empire so they started a rebellion against him. Askia the great overthrown Sunni Baru and ruled for about 30 years.
  • Songhai- falls to morocco

    Songhai- falls to morocco
    Morocco sent out for the heart of Songhai. They were bringing an early version of a gun to the battle. They no match to morocco's guns and cannons.