Advanced Algebra/Chemisty project time line

By Nkikuts
  • First entry

    Quadratic equations have to do with determininig the path of a projectilies because you can find the start, end and highest point. This allows you to graph porabolas and analyize them more closely. You can use it from measurements you already have by doing it backwards or you can calculate the path of something that hasnt been shot yet and view what is going to happen
  • Quadratioc Formula

    The Quadractic forumla give you the x-int's. It is longer than factoring but in my opinion much easier. You just plug in the A,B and C. After this is done you smiplfy. after that you do the top, you will get two anwers then divide. the two answers you get are the X ints. These X ints are your start and end of the projectile. Plugging this data into your calulator, you can also find the height and the zeros.
  • Projectile Formulas

    Projectile Formulas
    The two formulas to calculate the paths of a projectiles are
    Y= -4.9T^2 + V(is intial velocity)Sin(W)T+Y(is Starting height)
    X= V(is intail velocity)cos(W)
    V is the velocity at take off. W is the angle of launch. Y is the starting height.
  • Launch Angle lab/data info

    The angle of launch effects the time in the air greatly. The lower the angle the sorter the distance traveled and shorter the time. these angles are 10, 20, and 30. Next are the 40, 50 and 60 degree angles these will go a little farter and stay in the air longer. the final two angles, 70 and 80 degrees, the projectile will stay in the air longer but won't travel very far.