A Series of Unfortunate Events

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    Odysseus stays in Alcinous's home they are given food and drink there is someone signing to them also "Odysseus, since you’re visiting my home,
    with its brass floors and high-pitched roof, I think
    you won’t leave here and go back disappointed" (Book 13, line 1-3)
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    landed on the island of Crete Were captured by a group of quadclops Odysseus and his men slit their throats in the night
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    Cave of the Naiads

    Cave of the Naiads
    Men row into the cave but beach the ship partially they carry Odysseus off the ship and set hail back home "first they took Odysseus out,
    lifting him from the hollow ship still wrapped up
    in the linen sheet and splendid blanket, placed him" (Book 13, lines 137-139)
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    Stone Ship

    Stone Ship
    -as the Phaeacians dock their ship Poseidon turns it to stone sinking it causing the people of the area to abandon customs and not help travelers. "Earthshaker came up
    and turned it into stone. With the palm of his hand
    he hit it once and from below froze it in place." (Book 13, lines 298-298)
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    Odysseus wakes up but doesn't realize where he is Athena disguises herself to talk to him she tells him where he is and that his next move is to deal with the suitors. "Zeus’ daughters, I thought I’d never catch
    a glimpse of you again" (Book 13, lines 436-437)
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    Odysseus finds Eumaeus outside his hut Odysseus who is still disguised isn't recognized He is then fed a meal “Eat now, stranger, what a servant offers,

    meat from a young pig, for the suitors take

    the fatted hogs" (Book 14, Lines 99-101)