A Just Society

  • Indian Association of Alberta

    Indian Association of Alberta was formed followed by the Federation of Saskatchewan Indians. Aboriginals protest against the government and their broken promises.
  • Period: to

    a fight for rights

  • No more relations with Indians

    Government refused to meet with Indians and made it illegal for them to organize.
  • Regulation was removed

    regualtion against indians was removed
  • Homosexualitiy laws

    Trudeau mended laws governing homosexuality, divorce, abortion, and birth control.
  • Trudeau for Prime Minister

    Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau was elected. He planned to build equality among canadians.
  • The John Birch society

    Roosevelt Douglas (black community worker) found his tires slashed as a threat from the John Birch Society (a.k.a. the KKK).
  • Western Guard Assault

    Members of the Western Guard assaulted a group of black musicians.
  • "Keep Canada White"

    Black people were attack, a fire was set, and “Keep Canada White” slogans were plaster all over the crime scene
  • Human Rights Act

    Canadian Human Rights Act was passed prohibiting discrimination against anyone based on race, sex, ethnicity, etc.