history of the internet

By jofish
  • sputnik

    sputnik was the first earth orbiting satsllite launched by th russians and it scared the americans
  • arpanet

    The Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET), was the world's first operational packet switching network and the core network
  • e-mail + @ sign

    e-mail + @ sign
    email programe written by ray thomplinson and @ sign introduced
  • domain names

    domain names
    in this year domain names were introduced
  • world wide web

    world wide web
    in this year tim berners-lee coined world wide web
  • mosiac

    mosiac released is first commercial software that allowed graphical access it wa the first internet web browser
  • 1.3 billion people logged onto internet

    1.3 billion people logged onto internet
    in this year 1.3 billion people logged onto internet
  • youtube video