1800-1914 Timeline

  • Steam Engine

    Steam Engine
    The steam engine was not made by James Watt. He only perfected it so that it could be put on Trains, Boats ect. Thomas Savery was the person that actully invented the steam engine. This is important because we still use it in our every day life.
  • Period: to


  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    The French Revolution was a very important part in history because it showed that people could overthrow the government. Louis XVI was killed in the revolution and Robespierre took over to try to take back Europe. This is important because it shows people can revolt and win.
  • Haitian Revolution

    Haitian Revolution
    The Haitian Revolution was a period of brutal conflict in the French colony of Saint-Domingue, leading to the elimination of slavery and the establishment of Haiti as the first republic ruled by people of African ancestry. Toussaint L' Ouverture was the one who started the revolution. This is important in history because Haiti would not be ruled by the people it is ruled by now.
  • Matt Perry goes to Japan

    Matt Perry goes to Japan
    Matthew Perry was a U.S Navy Commodore who wanted Japan to open up to the Western world with the convention of Kanagawa. America debated for months with the Japenese so that they could open up trade with eachother. This was important because this was one of the reasons japanese wanted to start ww2 with america.
  • Congress of Vienna

    Congress of Vienna
    It was a conference in Austria about the political and territorial questions about the Napoleonic wars. The conference was also made so that they could discuss the French revolution. Importance of this for the future was that Europe could be built back up.
  • Independence of Mexico

    Independence of Mexico
    1810 is when Father Hidalgo started the war of independence against Spain. Mexico celebrates their independence on September 16th 1810. Although they didnt get independence untill 1821. Spain was always trying to attack Mexico in every way but it didnt work. Hiadalgo was a creole worrking for his freedom from spain. This was important because it helped mexico stay independent for many years.
  • Opium War

    Opium War
    In the late 18th century British merchants built up a flourishing traffic in opium from India to China, for they had been unable to find any other product to import into China in quantity, as the country was almost self-sufficient. People would get addicted to this drug and always want more. There wasnt enough to give to all of China. This is important in history so that Britian wouldnt have trade with China.
  • Communist manifesto

    Communist manifesto
    The Communist Manifesto, originally titled Manifesto of the Communist Party is a short book written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Its important because It has gone down in history as one of the world's most influential political manuscripts.
  • Sepoy Mutiny

    Sepoy Mutiny
    This was the Indians first attempt on defeating the British.
    This was the mutiny of Indian soldiers, from the British army in 1857. The mutiny was made by increasing discontent, by many Indians, with British rule in India. The immediate proximate cause to the mutiny, itself, was the circulation of a rumor that the British rifles. This was important for the first time a western world got defeated.
  • Dr. Sun Yat-sen takes over China

    Dr. Sun Yat-sen takes over China
    The three principles behind Sun Yat-Sen's political philosophy are democracy, equalization and nationalism. These became known as The Three People's Principles. Sun did not want foreign imperial power to control the Chinese government, but for the government to be democratically elected. Sun also believed in a more equal distribution of wealth with government participation in distributing it. Its important to history because it made China better in government.
  • Unification of Germany

    Unification of Germany
    Bismarck reorganized the Prussian army and improved training in preparation for war. He constructed an alliance with Austria to fight Denmark over Denmark's southern provinces of Schleiswig and Holstein. Its important because germany would be ruled by prussia if germany didnt defeat them.
  • Berlin conference

    Berlin conference
    Germany and major powers came together to discuss Africa. The point they were trying to get at was that Africa was a perfect geographical and political position. That is why Europe wanted to take them over. It is important in our history because Africa would not be Africa is the Europeans took it over. The leader would say who takes what in Africa and they pretty much stripped it for resources. This is important because it could of changed the continent of africa.
  • Russo- Japense war

    Russo- Japense war
    In 1904 there was a war fought between Russia and Japan fighting over china and parts of Korea. Part of the reason the Russians wanted this land was because hey needed a warmer port. Theirs would freeze over in the winter. The Japanese ended up winning the war. This was important because it showd that Japan could rule the pacific.
  • Zulku uprising

    Zulku uprising
    The Zulu uprising was a rebellion against the british and the scatter for africa. They were sick of taxation and didnt want africa to be under british rule. The zulu's won the short war. Africa would not be ruled by africans if they didnt beat them.