Spanish Influence and on the various issues regarding expansion

  • First california mission founded

    The Spanish missions in California comprise a series of religious and military outposts established by Spanish Catholics of the Franciscan Order between 1769 and 1823 to spread the Christian faith among the local Native Americans.
  • first coloney of america sets up in texas.

    these were the requierments. After consultation with the governor, Austin furnished him with a plan for the distribution of lands among the colonists. It proposed to give to each man, over twenty-one years old, six hundred and forty acres, with an addition of three hundred and twenty acres for the wife, one hundred and sixty acres for each child, and eighty acres for each slave.
  • mexico wins independence from spain.

    Then in 1821, Agustin de Iturbide, an army officer, joined forces with other rebels to secure a victory in their quest for independence. In August of that same year, the Spanish officially granted Mexico their independence from Spain with the Treaty of Cordoba
  • Augustine de lturbide led an uprising for independence

    was a Mexican Army General who built a successful political and military coalition that was able to march into Mexico City on 27 September 1821; decisively ending the Mexican War of Independence.
  • mexican colonization law issued

    The 1824 Constitution of Mexico joined Texas with Coahuila to form the state of Coahuila y Tejas. The same year, Mexico enacted the General Colonization Law, which enabled all heads of household, regardless of race or immigrant status, to claim land in Mexico.
  • texas war for independence.

    In 1835, the rebel Texan forces, which were comprised of Anglos (ethnic Americans) and Tejanos (ethnic Mexicans) in Texas, geared up for battle and declared war against the Republic of Mexico. This war would become known as the Texas War for Independence. Leading the cause for the Texan forces was Sam Houston.
  • republic of texas established.

    in 1824, they issued the Mexican Colonization Law that granted Americans the following: Tax breaks if they settled in Texas
    Cheap land
    Additional protection through the Mexican government
  • the battle of the alamo

    General Santa Anna responded to Houston and the Texans with an army comprised of several thousand soldiers. Santa Anna and his men crossed the Rio Grande and headed for the Alamo, a walled fortress in San Antonio built on the ruins of a mission. The Texans, who at this point were led by William Travis and James Bowie, got word of Santa Anna’s plans. Their strategy led to the Battle of the Alamo in 1836.
  • sam houston elected as president.

    In 1836, the citizens of Texas elected Sam Houston as president and they composed their own constitution. Included in the document was a provision regarding slavery