Clooney marxism coffee

Unit 1 Culminating Activity Grade 12 Politics- Marxism

  • Period: to


  • Birth of Karl Marx

    Birth of Karl Marx
    The birth of Karl Marks is instrumental to Marxism. Karl Marx founded the idea of Marxism with his political and economic Philosophies, and later, his description of the theoretical enactment of these philosophies into a culture. Without the birth of Karl Marx, there would be no marxism, or it would not be the Marxism we know today.
  • The Meeting og Marx and Engels

    The Meeting og Marx and Engels
    The meeting of karl Marx and Fredric Engels is a curtail point in Marxism. The first legitimate meeting between Marx and Engels occurred in a caffe in Paris, they later became close friends and colleges. Marx and Engels would later go on to do great things together.
  • Communist Manifesto

    Communist Manifesto
    The Communist Manifesto was a detailed document in where Marx (along with Engels) describes his theories and solutions to issues such as class inequality. Before, Marx’s philosophy was just a philosophy. Now, he had put it in to a functioning idealism and eplained how it could function in a society. This was a drastic moment for marxism.
  • French Demonstration

    French Demonstration
    That day, a huge demonstration took place in France. The Protest was organized by a political party; the "Montagne party". It regarded the infringement on Proletariat rights outlined in the constitution witch was established in the revolution of 1848. This exemplifies the idea of how Marx thought his idealism could function; a government would lead a nation into a Marxist society, and eventually disappear when not needed.
  • The International Working Men's Association

    The International Working Men's Association
    The International Working Men’s Association (AKA First International) was an organization created by communist and socialist supporters (Marx was a founder). It was created in london, where its purpose was established as well. The organization wished to bring political groups, and workers unions together through (or using) the working class.
  • Das Kapital

    Das Kapital
    Das Kapital was book focused on criticizing, and breaking down capitalism. It touched on issues such as; distribution of wealth, labor, economics and the theory of revolution. Other than the manifesto, this was Marx’s most popular and influential writing, which went even deeper into his ideology.The book had a second and third edition, which later came out in 1885 and 1894.
  • Haymarket Massacre/Labor day

    Haymarket Massacre/Labor day
    Labour Day originates form the commemoration and celebration of the achievement of workers rights. These rights did not come easy. On this day, 350 000 workers across the US participated in the strike known as the Heymarket Massacre. This massacre occurred in Heymarket square in Chicago, when thousands of workers were protesting. Police eventually opened fire on a group of 200 strikers. the number of deaths is still unknown. The significance of this event is that it perfectly outlined the key i
  • Vladimir Lenin Rise to Power

    Vladimir Lenin Rise to Power
    Vladimir Lenin was a strong supporter of Marxism. When he rose to power in Russia during a time of revolution, Lenin stayed firm with his Marxist and Communist beliefs, and in many ways helped the struggling country. The fact that the leader of a country was a Marxist, is a historical moment for any ideology.
  • The great depression

    The great depression
    This event is not significant to the history of the Marxist ideology. It does however, outline the benefit of having a Marxist society. Wile North America and much of Europe was struggling, The USSR was doing better due to its political system (communism) and its similarity to Marxism.
  • Rise of Maiosm

    Rise of Maiosm
    Maoism emerged in the mid nineteen hundreds a a result of a revolutionary Communist leader who took over during Chinas civil war. Maoism is biased off of Marxism , but differs in a few ways, for example; Maoism has a stronger focus on military.