8000 B.C.E. - 600 C.E.

  • Period: 206 to 220

    Han Dynasty

    imperial dynasty that ruled China and expanded its boundaries and developed its bureaucracy; remembered as one of the great eras of Chinese civilization
  • Period: 221 to Jan 2, 1122

    Zhou dynasty

    the imperial dynasty of China from 1122 to 221 BC; notable for the rise of Confucianism and Taoism
  • Period: 272 to 337

    roman capital moves to constantinople

    The emperor wanted a new capital away from the "stuffiness" and corruption of Rome.
  • 300

    bantu migration reaches south africa

    The bantu migrations were closely related to agriculture and iorn working. Iron tools and weapons provided the means to aquire new lands.
  • Period: 300 to Jan 2, 1500


    a member of a Semitic people inhabiting ancient Phoenicia and its colonies. The Phoenicians prospered from trade and manufacturing until the capital, Tyre, was sacked by Alexander the Great in 332 BC.
  • 313

    the edict of milan A.D.

    proclaimed religious toleration in the roman empire (document or letter)
  • Period: 320 to 550

    Gupta Dynasty

    The Gupta Empire was one of the largest political and military empires in the world
  • Period: 323 to 356

    alexander the great

    356-323 B.C.E. ruler of macedon a state in northern ancient greece
  • 400

    Gunpowder developed

    it was first used to make fumigators to keep away insects and evil spirits. In later centuries, it was used to make explosives and grenades and to propel cannon balls, shots, and bullets
  • Period: 434 to 453

    Attila the hun

    ruler of the huns
  • Period: 525 to 565


    Justinian sought to revive the Empire's greatness and reconquer the lost western half of the historical Roman Empire.
  • Period: Jan 1, 600 to Jan 2, 1000

    Spreading of buddhism to china

    600 C.E.
    Buddhism spread to china within 600 C.E. to 1000 C.E.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1041 to Jan 2, 1048

    Printing invented

    first movable type printing technology was invented in China by the Han Chinese printer Bi Sheng between the years 1041 and 1048. In Korea, the movable metal type printing technique was invented in the early thirteenth century during the Goryeo Dynasty
  • Jan 1, 1084

    sack of rome

    norman sack resulting in the popes call for aid
  • Jan 1, 1400

    height of egyptian civilization

    because of the military egypt reached its height when king tut ruled
  • Jan 1, 1500

    use of bronze in egypt

    1500 BCE was the start of using bronze in egypt
  • Jan 1, 1500

    hittities develope iron

    Developed iron around 1500 BCE
  • Period: to

    st. paul

    Paul set the tone for Christianity, including its emphasis on celibacy and the theory of divine grace and salvation, as well as eliminating the circumcision requirement.
  • Period: to

    height of greek city-states

    between the 5th and 4th centuries greek was the most advanced
  • Period: to


    5BCE - 30 AD
  • Period: to

    Shang dynasty

    imperial dynasty ruling China from about the 18th to the 12th centuries BC
  • destruction of second temple in jerusalem

    the destruction of the second temple
  • Period: to

    height of harrapan civilization

    reached its height at 2500 then began to decline at 2000 BCE
  • Period: to

    Height of harrapan civilization

    reached its height at 2500 then began to decline at 2000 BCE
  • Period: to Jan 2, 605

    Babylonian empire

    akkadian speaking semitic nation state (babylon is capital of mesopotamia
  • Period: to 550


    Chinese philosopher whose ideas and sayings were collected after his death and became the basis of a philosophical doctrine known a Confucianism
  • Period: to

    Pax Romana

    27 BCE- 180 AD
    Peace between nationalities in a roman empire
  • Period: to 563

    Siddhartha Gautama

    Founder of buddhism and today known as the buddha aka the "enlightened one"
  • Period: to


    Socrates was a classical Greek Athenian philosopher. Credited as one of the founders of Western philosophy
  • Theravada doctrine codified

    the theravada doctrine was codified around 2500 B.C.E.
  • cuneiform

    3100 B.C.E.
    mesopotamian writing
    Has not been translated
  • Bronze use in mesopotamia

    4000 BCE was the start of bronze use in mesopotamia