conflict on the great plains

  • homestead Act of 1862

    homestead Act of 1862
    Thia act gave 160 acres of land to settlers who where willing to move west they had to settle and land and farm it for a peirod of 5 years. single women were also able to take adanvatnge of this too
  • Fetterman Massacre

    Fetterman Massacre
    In montana on december 21 1866 the cheyennes, arapaho, and a sioux military leader Crazy Horse, acted as a decoy and lured the troops into a deadly trap. He tricked the fort's commanders into sending a detachment of about 80 soilders in pursuit.hundreds of warriors were waiting in ambush and wiped out all the soilders .This was important because a lot of people died.
  • Discovery of 1874

    Discovery of  1874
    in 1874 In dakota white people or any kind of person were not allowed to settle up or pass through because there was rumored that there was was important because they could use it for trade or to get rich
  • Battle of Little Bighorn

    Battle of Little Bighorn
    In 1874 in Montanna the Cheyenne warriors and Sioux cheif and their forces gathered with George Custer to fight because of a order to scout the Native Americans. He divided his regiment and attacked the Cheyenne and Souix. Custer faced thousands. Custer lost his his entire arm and their lives.
  • Ghost Dance

    Ghost Dance
    in 1890 the Sioux from dakota formed a cultural dance called the ghost dance that was then soon to be destoryed.As the ritual spread,reservation officials became alarmed and decided to ban the dance believing that their cheif sitting bull was there leader,police went to his camp and arrested then shot him
  • Wounded Knee

    Wounded Knee
    on December 29, 1890 in south Dakota the sioux gathered at wounded knee to collect the sioux's weapons.none knew what started the fight but when a pistol shot rang the arm responsed.more than 200 sioux and 25 soldiers where killed.this ended conflicts between whites and the indains