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This Is Me

By tsexton
  • The day I was born

    The day I was born
    This is me at 6 weeks old. I was my mom's first born.
  • Me and my middle sister Jessica

    Me and my middle sister Jessica
    This was just a couple of weeks after she was born. My mom said I was a little mean at first, but then came to terms that I was no longer the only child.
  • 5 years old

    5 years old
    This was me in kindergarten at St. Elmo Elementary, This was the actual year book phots and before we were made to wear uniforms.
  • Me and my sisters

    Me and my sisters
    Here I am with my 2 younger sisters. My mom called me moma hen; she said I liked to always help her with them.
  • Glamour Shots

    Glamour Shots
    I still remember this day. It was the summer before sixth grade and it was so cool to go get all pampered up at Glamour Shots.
  • 13 years old

    13 years old
    This was at the sweet heart dance at Theodore Middle School. I was getting into the limo that we had all rented. It was the best thing to look forward to all year, well besides going to high school in the fall.
  • Sweet 16

    Sweet 16
    This was my sixteenth birthday and we had rented a big building and I got my first car, a Honda CR-V.
  • High School Graduation

    High School Graduation
    Theodore High graduate, Class of 2004
  • Fourth of July

    Fourth of July
    This is the fourth of July with my sisters and my step sisters and the first born boy in our family, my nephew, Ashton.
  • Senior Trip

    Senior Trip
    We went to Cancun, Mexico for our senior trip. Here we rented dune buggys and drove all through the town.
  • 21st Birthday

    21st Birthday
    Me and my friend Jenna on my 21st birthday
  • My future husband

    My future husband
    The night I met my future husband. I just didn't know it and neither did he. I turned him down once before this, when he asked me to dance.
  • My middle sister's wedding

    My middle sister's wedding
    Me, my mom, Jessica (the bride), my baby sister April, my baby step-sister Stephanie, my niece Mya, my nephew Ashton and the miniature baby bride is the bride's baby and my niece Kyla.
  • My Wedding Day

    My Wedding Day
    Me and my husband, Terry, at our wedding.
  • Girl's Day

    Girl's Day
    Me and my step-daughter, Kayla, out on the town for our girls day!!!
  • Summer Vacation

    Summer Vacation
    Our summer vacation in Tennessee. We had a blast with my mom Missy, my oldest step-sister Leighann, my step-daughter and all of my nieces and nephews.
  • Tabitha and Terry

    Tabitha and Terry
    Me and my husband over the summer.
  • My nephew

    My nephew
    My most recent nephew, Gavin.