afghanan timeline

  • RahmaBaban

    Rahman Baba was a prominent philosopher, and he is considered one of the greatest Pashto poets. This didnt give the month
  • Babrak Karmal

    Babrak Karmal was a Soviet puppet. He was a founding member of the PDPA. no month
  • Communist coup

    Before the 1978 Communist coup, Islam was the official religion of Afghanistan.
  • fighting

    The outbreak of fighting in 1978 curtailed the output of manufacturing, as it did for coal mining. Some production facilities, such as the Kabul bakeries, were damaged. Shortages of agricultural raw materials plagued certain industries, and there were also serious shortages of skilled labor
  • cotton

    Ginned cotton production decreased by 73 percent between 1978 and 1982; cotton textile output fell 50 percent.
  • manufacturing

    By the 1980s the sector was still at an early stage of development. Other than handicrafts, the importance of manufacturing to the economy was relatively slight compared with mining.
  • state industrial

    According to the government in March 1984, 70 percent of state industrial production came from AfghanSoviet projects. The overall industrial situation reflected a decline and a growing dependence on trade with the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe in general.
  • mining

    In 1985 Afghanistan produced large amounts of natural gas and was preparing to exploit further other natural resource deposits. Natural gas was the most important mineral resource and industrial product
  • Meena

    Meena was the founding leader of RAWA
  • Talibans

    the taliban attacked the headquaters of a local comander who had been responsible for numerous rapes
  • Islamic

    In 1994 the Islamic militants who called themselves the Taliban—literally "the Seekers," a term used to describe religious students—began
  • Religious freedon

    Since the fall of the Taliban in 2001, the 1964 constitution has been used as a basis for the definition of religious freedom and practices