Sierra's awesome life

By 5509
  • My birth

    My birth
    I was born in Fort collins, Colorado on August 24,1996.
  • First day of kindergarten

    In 2002 on august 26 i started my first day of kindergarten.This was important because it was the start of my education.
  • First day of cheerleading

    May 10th was my first day of cheerleading.It was important because this was my first real sport and i havn't stopped doing this sport since.
  • Birth of my nephew

    On January 21, 2004 was the birth of my nephew Jaxon.This was a very importan event because i beacame and aunt that day.
  • Dad had stints put in his heart/arteries

    When i was in 3rd grade my dad had stints put in his heart.This was an important event beacuse it brought our family together in this hard part of our life.
  • The birth of my niece and nephew

    The birth of my niece and nephew
    In 2009 on march 6th my niece jayda and nephew jaden where born in poudre valley hospital. This was an important date because they where my sisters 3rd kids.
  • Won nationals for Cheerleading

    On April 10, 2009 in Aneheim,California I won natiionals for cheerleading. This was an important time because it was my first win at nationals and it also brought our team together.
  • Dad got layed off

    In the year 2009 my dad got layed of from his job. This time was sinificant because we had to give up alot of things but also it brought our family together because we had to lean on eachother.
  • Graduated from 6th grade.

    In the year of 2009 I graduated from 6th grade. This was important because I was the last sixth grade class at Moore Elementary.
  • First day of Middle School

    My first day of Middle School was on August 16. 2010. This was an important time beacause it was the start of a new year and i met lots of new people.
  • Last year of Middle School

    This is important because next year i will be starting High School and i will be a freshman.
  • Present Day

    I LOVE MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!