Arab - Israeli Timeline

  • Balfour Declaration

    Balfour Declaration
    A letter from British secretary Arthur James Balfour to lord Rothschild in which the British made public their support of a jewish homeland in Palestine, leading the League of Nations to entrust the United Kingdo with the Palestine Mandate.
  • United Nations Partition Plan

    United Nations Partition Plan
    General agreement that the country would have to be divided in order to satisfy the needs and demands of both Jews and Palestinian Arabs.
  • War of the Suez Canal

    War of the Suez Canal
    The region not only controlled the oil needed for industry, but also commaned vital waterways such as the Suez Canal.
  • PLO is created

    PLO is created
    The PLO is an umbrella organization composed of several groups with diverse idealogies, having several groups affiliated with the PLO carried out numerous international terrorist attacks.
  • Munich Olympics

    Munich Olympics
    Five Arab terrorists wearing track suits climbed a six and a half foot fence surrounding the Olympic Village in Munich, West Germany, within twenty four hours members of the Israeli Olympic team, five terrorists, and a German policemen were killed.
  • Yom Kippur War

    Yom Kippur War
    Combined forces from Egypt amd Syria attacked Israel with the aim of regaining territory lost to Israel in 1967, causing more than 6,000 troops being killed or wounded in 18 days of fighting, it had a devastating effect on Israel.
  • Camp David Accords

    Camp David Accords
    The conflicts between Israel and its neighbors, which lead to secret negotiations at Camp David, of an agreement dealing with the future of peace between Israel and Egypt.
  • 1st Intifada

    1st Intifada
    Triggered by a car crash in which four Palestinians were killed by an Israel vehicle, which caused hundreds of Palestinians to turn on Israel, leaving troops to station in the Gaza Strips. Riots and demonstrations spread like wildfire.
  • Oslo Accords

    Oslo Accords
    Government of the state of Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization began a series of secret discussions about the relationship between the two groups called the Oslo Accords in hopes of resolving deep tension between them, the DOP was formally signed. US president Bill Clinton hosted the offical signing ceremony.
  • Road Map for Peace is Created

    Road Map for Peace is Created
    The first steps in the plan call for reforms in the Palestinian Authority, up to now are unable or unwilling to control terrorism aimed at Israel, having President Bush in his policy statement set forth a long list of demands and reforms that would be required of the PA to show that they were capable of and willing to eliminate their dependence on violence as the primary instrument of their policy.