600 CE - 1450 (A-Day)

  • Jan 1, 600

    Islam Develops (Middle East)

    The development of Islam has shaped and kind of defined the Middle East in the post-common era time of the MIddle East. It has led to tnumerouss branching and groupings of people and also has created turmoil amongst countires and empires that existed in the region in order to beome as powerful as possible. The prophet Muhammad's message was disputed even within the religion.
  • Jan 1, 600

    Islam Develops

    Islam Develops
    Tension in Middle East led to desire for and creation of a new system of belief. Muhammad came as "the last prophet" and the religion spreads like wildfire.
  • May 7, 620

    Buddhism Spreads to East Asia

    Buddhism Spreads to East Asia
    Bodesetvas (people who have reached Nirvana to teach the Buddhist ways), Nirvana (like our heaven), rebirth
    -Carter Stark
  • Jan 1, 622

    Muhammad Forced to Medina.

    Muhammad Forced to Medina.
    Muhammad is forced to flee Mecca for fear of his life. Many followers go with him. He returns and destroys the Ka'aba and proclaims it for the monotheistic Allah.
  • May 7, 630

    Islam Is Spread To Egypt

    Islam Is Spread To Egypt
    Muhammad, the Islamic prophet, spread Islam to Egypt. Ryan Scott
  • May 7, 650

    Tibeten Empires

    Tibeten Empires
    challenged Chinese Empires, had a lot of cultual diffusion
    -Carter Stark
  • May 11, 650

    Islma spreads to North Africa (eric papendorf

    650-705 a.d. Islam has now spread across all of North Africa. This changes the culture of the areas massively. Since framing has began to decline more of the people of the Area are forced to become nomadic herders in the true arab fashion.
  • May 7, 661

    Sunni & Shi ite Split

    Sunni & Shi ite Split
    After the murder of Muhammads son-in-law, the Umayyad caliphate rises to power. Its supporters split as Sunnis. The revenge driven supporters of Ali are the Shi ites.
  • May 11, 670

    Berbers resist Islamic encroachment (eric papendorf

    670-690 As the Arabs sweep into the area using both Middle Eastern troops and native converts the powers in North Africa such as the Byzantines and the Berbers form a stiff resistance.
  • May 6, 700

    Ghana Empire (West Africa)

    Ghana Empire (West Africa)
    Formed by farmers and grew from taxing goods of travelers passing through their territory. They had an impressive army but were conquered by the Almoravids in the 11th century. Annie DeVriees
  • May 6, 700

    Islamic Rulers (West Africa)

    Islamic Rulers (West Africa)
    Rulers converted to Islam around the time of the Ghana empire. This led many but not all africans to convert also. Annie DeVries
  • May 6, 700

    Gold Trade (West Africa)

    Gold Trade (West Africa)
    Gold was a basic commodity in trade for West Africans. Annie DeVries
  • May 11, 700

    N.African religious differences (eric papendorf

    700-800 Arab life has fully established its’ self across Northern Africa it is not quite the same religion as it is found in the more conservative middle east. The belif's of the common people was thought "unrecognizable" by Middle eastern observers
  • May 11, 711

    Berbers invade Spain

    711 Moussa Ibn Nasr leads the Berber invasion of Spain.
  • May 3, 751

    Tang Control of Central Asia

    Up until 751 the Tang Dynasty controlled most of Central Asia.
  • Jan 1, 1000

    Settlement of Native Tribes (Caribbean)

    Settlement of Native Tribes (Caribbean)
    Around 1000 C.E., Amerindians settled in the Caribbean region—Barbados, Martinique, Guadeloupe, Cuba, Hispanola, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, etc.—and became known as the Arawak. The Carib also settled in the Caribbean. These were the two main native populations. Cody Birely
  • May 6, 1000

    Bantu Migration Ends

    Bantu Migration Ends
    The Bantu migration begins to end as they have reached areas in western, eastern, and southern Africa. Alex Karnish
  • May 6, 1000

    Mound builders believe in creation

    Mound builders believe in creation
    From North America
  • May 6, 1000

    European feudalism: (europe)

    European feudalism: (europe)
    The European feudal system started with peasants at the lowest then knights, nobles and kings. The feudal system was exchange of land for military service
  • May 6, 1000

    Medieval Europe (europe)

    Medieval Europe (europe)
    Medieval Europe was from 600 C.E- 1000 C.E. It was a time of insecurity and fear of invaders such as the Vikings. At this time Europe was fragmented and separate. This is when king nobles and chieftains became most powerful because peasants would seek refuge on their property from the invaders, in return the supplied the labor and food.
  • May 6, 1000

    The Renaissance europe

    The Renaissance europe
    The renaissance was a time of rebirth intellectual and artistic life. The renaissance began in Italy. Universities became more popular, and also there were great artist like Leonardo da Vinci who painted the last supper, bronzes sculptures and designed airplanes and submarines
  • May 22, 1000

    Tula Pyramids Completed

    • 1000 CE Two large pyramids are finished in the city of Tula, the largest city in Mexico in 1000 CE. The pyramids showed off the style of art at the type, adorned with animals symbolic of power, such as snakes, jaguars, and eagles.
  • May 3, 1036

    Trukish Seljuik rule (Central Asia)

    Turkish Seljuk rule of Khurasan begins.
  • May 6, 1050

    Anasazi Indians

    Anasazi Indians
    This group is from North America, they believe in astronomy. Just like later mesoamerican tribes.
  • May 6, 1095

    The crusades

    The crusades
    The crusades (pg259) The Crusades were a series of religion campaigns against the muslins from 1095- 1204. The Christians wanted the city of Jerusalem which was where the muslins were centered. The Objectives of the crusades was at first to release the Holy Land. In all there were a total of nine crusades, but the first four were seen as the most important. The results of the crusades were the Crusades contributed to increase the wealth of the Church; And Muslims did not lose any land.
  • May 7, 1095


    The Crusades were holy wars to claim the lands in Israel and such as Christian. They failed in their purpose but exposed the fighters to the wealth of surrounding empires.
  • May 6, 1100

    Cuzco (Latin America)

    Cuzco (Latin America)
    Cuzco, Peru is founded Laura Klever
  • May 6, 1100

    End of Bantu Migration

    End of Bantu Migration
    The Bantu Migration ended around 1100CE Annie Devries
  • May 6, 1115

    Chaco Canyon (Latin America)

    Chaco Canyon (Latin America)
    Chaco Canyon thrives with a trade based on economy Laura Klever
  • May 7, 1150

    Neo- Confucianism

    Neo- Confucianism
    new form of Confucianism to better support the state
    -Carter Stark
  • Jan 1, 1200

    12th Century: Mongol Invasion (Russia)

    Kievan Rus was dealt a blow from the Mongol Invasion with ultimately ended in the destruction of Kievan Rus and half of the population of Rus.
  • May 6, 1200

    Inca's (Latin America)

    Inca's (Latin America)
    Inca Empire established Laura Klever
  • May 6, 1200

    Gold Trade Central Africa

    Gold Trade Central Africa
    Gold began to be exported in large quantities across the Sahara from Central Africa.
    Alex Karnish
  • May 6, 1200

    Mali Empire (West Africa)

    Mali Empire (West Africa)
    This empire was more powerful and wealthy than the Ghana empire. Sundiata was a very famous leader who traveled from Mali to Mecca giving away gold. He caused great inflation in Africa. Annie DeVries
  • May 7, 1200

    Mongol takeover

    Mongol takeover
    -Carter Stark
  • May 7, 1200

    Indian Ocean Trade Begins

    Indian Ocean Trade Begins
    East Africa partakes by trading gold. Ryan Scott
  • May 22, 1200

    Chichimecan Invasion

    -1200, the Chichimecans take over the Toltec civilization—killing many and claiming their villages for their own.
    Muriel Francis-Hoyle
  • May 7, 1206

    Islam in India

    Having long lost the defensive unity of the Gupta Empire the divided states of northwest India were subject to raid by Afgan warlords. A new Turkish dynasty mounted a furious assault that succeeded in capturing the northern cities of Delhi and Lahore. Unable to compete with the invaders’ superior technology, India soon succumbed to their advances. Between 1206 and 1236, the Muslim invaders extended their rule over the Hindu princes and chiefs in much of north India. Sultan Iltutmish consolidated
  • Period: May 3, 1219 to May 3, 1223

    Mongols Attack (Central Asia)

    Mongols attack Iran in 1291 CE
  • May 11, 1221

    Hasfid caliphate rises

    1221 The Hasifid Caliphate in Libya begins political support and economy were rooted in coastal towns like Tripoli. The Hafsids encouraged trade with Europe. Theocratic republics, tribal states, and coastal enclaves seized by pirate captains defied the sultan's authority, and in 1460 Tripoli was declared an independent city-state.
  • Period: May 3, 1237 to May 3, 1241

    Russia Divides (Central Asia)

    Russia divides into smaller kingdoms due to Mongol invasion
  • May 7, 1250

    Great City of Zimbabwe Built

    Great City of Zimbabwe Built
    Local craftsman built a 32 foot tall wall around the King's court. Ryan Scott
  • May 11, 1269

    Alamohads fall (eric papendorf

    1269 With the fall of the Alamohads, city states rule independently, but there is strong competition between them. Many Algerian ports prosper through income from sea piracy which becomes a heavy a source of income to the peoples of the North African coastline.
  • May 7, 1299

    Ottoman Empire Emerges

    Ottoman Empire Emerges
    As a result of a successful war against the Byzantines, the Ottoman Turks rise to power carrying on Muslim traditions. They also became an intimidating presence over smaller claims in the area.
  • May 7, 1300

    Ibn Battutu's Journey

    Ibn Battutu's Journey
    The journey of Muslim traveler Ibn Battutu and his journals have allowed historians to look into specific practices and details of his time period.
  • May 7, 1300

    Mamluk Empire Conquers Egypt

    Mamluk Empire Conquers Egypt
    Egypt becomes influenced from being conquered by the muslim Mamluk Empire. Ryan Scott
  • May 22, 1300

    Aztec Migration

    -1300, The Aztecs begin migrating towards the Valley of Mexico, taking with them, their customs and spreading their influence.
  • May 22, 1325

    Tenochtitlan Is Founded

    -1325 AD, The city of Tenochtitlan was founded by the Aztecs. This soon became the capital region the empire was centered around.
  • May 11, 1330

    Merenids extend to Tunisia 9eric papendorf

    1330-1360 Abou el Hassan and Abou Inan are two successful Merenid rulers of Morocco they extend rule to Tunisia.
  • May 7, 1336

    Rebellion Returns to India

    To defend themselves against the southward push of Muslim armies, the Hindu states of southern India united to form the Vijayanagar Empire which at its height controlled the rich trading ports on both coasts and held Ceylon as a tributary state.
  • May 6, 1347

    The Black death (europe)

    The Black Death The Black Death approximately started in 1347 C.E to 1350 C.E. The plague was original from Asia and with trading the Europeans received it and killed off a third of Europe’s population. The symptoms of the plague were boils the size of eggs, black blotches on the skin, foul body odors, and severe pain. Most people would die a few days after getting the plague.
  • May 7, 1347

    Indian Rebellion Continues

    Personal and religious conflict within the Muslim elite, as well as the discontent of the Hindus, threatened the Delhi Sultantate with disintegration. Muslim nobles challenged the sultan’s dominion and successfully established the Bahami Kingdom.
  • May 6, 1350

    Inca's (Latin America)

    Inca's (Latin America)
    Rise of Incas begins Laura Klever
  • Jan 1, 1380

    The Battle of Kulikovo (Russia)

    Led by Prince Dmitry Donskoy of
    Moscow and helped by the Orthodox Church, the united army principalities inflicted a massive defeat apon the Mongol-Tatars in the Battle of Kulikovo. After this Moscow absorbed sorrounding principalities and their rivals Tver and Novgorod.
  • May 7, 1398

    A Final Blow to the Delhi Sultantate

    The Turko-Mongol leader Timur invaded and captured the city Delhi. When the armies withdrew the next year with vast quantities of pillage and tens of thousands of captives, the largest city in Southern Asia lay empty and in ruins. The Delhi Sultantate never recovered.
  • Jan 1, 1400

    14th Century: The Grand Dutchy of Moscow rises to power (Russia)

    The Grand Dutchy of Moscow eventually rose and became the
    most powerful successor to Kievan Rus and took power in Central Rus.
  • May 7, 1400

    Great City of Zimbabwe Reaches Its Peak

    Great City of Zimbabwe Reaches Its Peak
    The city reaches its peak size of 193 acres and 18,000 inhabitants because of the success of gold trading. Ryan Scott
  • May 6, 1450

    Maritime Trade (West Africa)

    Maritime Trade (West Africa)
    New technology created interactions of countries across the Atlantic Ocean. Annie DeVries
  • May 6, 1450

    Columbian Exchange (West Africa)

    Columbian Exchange (West Africa)
    The columbian exchange linked many different trade places together. Africa traded bananas, coconut palms, coffee, sugar cane, goats and chickens to America. Africa received corn, potatoes, tomatoes, pumpkins, tobacco, and chocolate. Annie DeVries
  • May 6, 1500

    Songhay (West Africa)

    Songhay (West Africa)
    Largest and most organized empire of Africa from 15th century to 16th century. Organized under Sunni Ali.
  • May 22, 1521

    Tenochtitlan Aqueduct System

    -In 1521, under the command of Cortes, the Spanish purposely break the Tenochtitlan aqueduct system to kill the cities water supply, and force the remaining Aztecs to leave.
  • May 22, 1525

    Smallpox Outbreak

    -1521 Smallpox Outbreak/ The spread of Smallpox in the Aztec empire led to the Spaniards converting many to Christianity, resulting a predominately Catholic population today. Additionally, over the next 20 years, the Spanish created more than 12,000 missionaries in an attempt to increase the Christian following.
  • May 22, 1536

    Silver and Gold Deposits Discovered

    -1536, Large silver and gold deposits were discovered in the city of Zacatecas, and the mining industry boomed in Mexico. Additionally, the production of crops and the agriculture industry grew as well. With the great success of these industries, New Spain’s success and desire for independence quickly grew.
  • Population (West Africa)

    Population (West Africa)
    By 1700 Africa doubled their population from 1000 CE. Totaling to 60 million people Annie DeVries
  • Azteca Calendar Found

    -1748, the original Azteca calendar is found in Mexico City. Today, the iconic circular stone piece is easily recognized as a symbol of the Aztec culture.
    Muriell Francis-Hoyle
  • Mexcan War Begins

    -Sept 16, 1810, Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla officially began a revolt, starting the Mexican War of Independence. This day is currently celebrated as one of Mexico’s largest holidays—Mexican Independence day.
  • Reward For Revolutioners

    -In 1810, the Spanish government offers citizens 1000 pesos in exchange for the heads of Hidalgo, Allende, Aldama and Abasolo. These men were the 4 at the head of the Mexican independence revolt, and were seen as a large threat to the Spaniards.
  • Maximilian's Reign

    -From July 6, 1832 to June 19, 1867, Maximilian reigned as the Emperor of Mexico. He is praised for bringing new reforms to Mexico, while still being of European decent and reportedly not speaking Spanish.
  • Benito Juarez's Presidential Rule

    • Benito Juarez served 5 presidential terms beginning in 1852. He is credited with being the Mexican version of the American leader, Abraham Lincoln, bringing social and economic reform to the country in a liberal governmental style. Muriel Francis-Hoyle
  • Mexican Workers Petition

    • In 1907, many are killed as the result of a workers petition. The strike in Veracruz was asked General Diaz for improved working conditions and more rights, but resulted in a brutal shooting for the textile workers. Muriel Francis-Hoyle
  • Mexican Revolution Begins

    -Mexican Revolution (1910-1940)- The civil war/ revolution was primarily started from impatience with General Porfirio Diaz (ruler) who concentrated his efforts on the upper class, rather than taking care of the country as a whole.
  • Death of Gen. Diaz

    -1915 After the death of General Diaz, the Mexican government decides that rulers will be allowed to serve only a 6-year term, in comparison to their previous allowance of reelection
  • Insitutional Revolutionary Party

    -(1929) The new political party called the Institutional Revolutionary Party is founded in Mexico, and remains in power until 2000. At the head of the party is President Elias Calles, who initially endorses and helps create, the system in an attempt to attract more revolutionary forces.
  • Summer Olympics in Mexico

    -In 1968, Mexico City holds the Summer Olympics, bringing in a great deal of wealth for the tourism industry. However, 10 days before the games, a massacre took place in the city killing roughly 40 people.
    Muriel Franciss-Hoyle
  • Slave Trade (West Africa)

    Slave Trade (West Africa)
    Because of maritime trade, slave trade was possible. Other countries, such as America, relied greatly on slave trade. Annie DeVries
  • Almoravad Caliphate rises (eric papendorf

    1060-1145 The Almoravad Caliphate rises controling much of North Africa they take part of Spain that starts a long period of heavy influence of the Arabs on the Spanish. However by 1145 leadership changes lead to the rise of the Almohad caliphate
  • "New Spain"

    -1500, Spain conquered the Mexican region and gave it the name “New Spain.” Also during this year, Hernán Cortés establishes Mexico City where the great Aztec city of Tenochtitlan once stood.
    Muriel Francis-Hoyle
  • 988 CE: Keivan Rus accepts Orthodox Christianity (Russia)

    Kievan Rus accepted Orthodox
    Christianity from Byzantium.
  • Mayan's (Latin America)

    Mayan's (Latin America)
    Mayan Empire declines Laura Klever
  • Mayan's (Latin America)

    Mayan's (Latin America)
    All Mayan cities are abandoned or destroyed Laura Klever
  • Mound Builders in North America

    Mound Builders in North America
    They lived til 1300. They were a very isolated group
  • Mississippian Culture in North America

    Mississippian Culture in North America
    They lived to around 1200, they were alsovery isolated from global trade.
  • Tang Empire

    Tang Empire
    Ended Warring states period
    Carter Stark
  • Song Dynasty

    Song Dynasty
    A lot of new technology, gunpowder, printing press, and compass
    -Carter Stark
  • Berber woman leads Algerian resistance (ericpapendorf

    680’s In Algeria the Berbers form a resistance under a woman named Kahina.
  • 9th Century: Keivan Rus's founding (Russia)

    Followed by the arrival of the Varangian warrior elite the medieval state of Kievan Rus rose and was followed by the subdual of all Slavic Tribes.
  • Toltec Migration

    -925, The Toltecs move to northern Yucatan, and their culture flourishes in the newly settled region.
    Muriel Francis-Hoyle