Arab-Israeli Timeline

  • Balfour Declaration

    Balfour Declaration
    European Jews migrated to Palestine and set up communities, also asking European powers to support them. The British government created the Balfour Declaration, stating that Jews must be treated equally and not act prejudice against them.
  • United Nations Partition Plan

    United Nations Partition Plan
    Jews created Israel based on the area set aside for them in the UN Partition Plan. The Arab nations declared war with the Jews after refusing to accept Israel.
  • War of the Suez Canal

    War of the Suez Canal
    Egypt controls the Suez Canal and blocks off passageways from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean. Israel, along with France and Britain, invades the Sinai Peninsula.
  • PLO is created

    PLO is created
    Palestinian leaders created the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in order to reclaim Palestine and destroy Israel. By the 1970’s, the conflict had spread beyond the Middle East, due to the PLO and other radical groups.
  • The Six Day War

    The Six Day War
    Following the 1948 war, three more wars broke out between Israel and its surrounding Arabs, where the third war lasted six days. Israel made great territorial gains, such as seizing East Jerusalem from the Arabs.
  • Munich Olympics

    Munich Olympics
    Jordanian troops force the Palestinian PLO to leave the country, due to the terrorist attacks. At the Munich Olympics, 11 Israeli athletes are killed by a group associated with the PLO.
  • The Yom Kippur War

    The Yom Kippur War
    To try and regain lost land from the six day war, Syria and Egypt attacked Israel. Israel was able to push back its invaders and negotiated a cease-fire.
  • Camp David Accords

    Camp David Accords
    Egyptian President, Anwar Sadat, signed a peace treaty with Israel at Camp David, being the first (Arab) nation to recognize Israel. Arab nations were angered at Egypt for making peace with Israel.
  • First Intifada

    First Intifada
    Palestinians organized strikes against Israeli businesses and soldiers, as they grew angry by Israel’s military rule. Israel jailed and deported any Palestinians suspected of controlling the intifada.
  • Oslo Accords

    Oslo Accords
    Israel and the PLO agreed to recognize one another. The agreement seemed to improve the peace throughout the Middle East, such as Israel and Jordan signing a peace agreement.