Psych 229 Timeline Final Project

  • Falls off of the back of a fourwheeler in the womb!

    Falls off of the back of a fourwheeler in the womb!
    My mother and father decided to go on a four wheeling adventure while my mom was in the final three months of her pregnancy. My mom fell off of the back of the four wheeler at one point, and she said that she felt me jump! Although this is a time in which I was becoming familiar with my mother's sounds and behavior, including increased heart rate when she became fearful or anxious, this brief scare had no negative effects on my development.
  • Born in Farmington Hills, MI

    Born in Farmington Hills, MI
    It's a girl! I was born weighing 6 lbs, 7 oz on November 13, 1986 at 10:31 after putting my mother through 10 hours of agony. With an Apgar score of 10, I was a healthy baby.
  • Develops healthy parent-infant bond.

    Develops healthy parent-infant bond.
    As a happy baby, I rarely cried and loved to be cuddled. We developed a healthy parent-infant bond, and luckily we were not part of the 8 to 15 percent of families who are affected by postpartum depression.
  • Baby's First Steps!

    Baby's First Steps!
    The First Two Years-Biosocial-
    With a combination of muscle strength, brain maturation within the motor cortex, and practice, I was able to perform the gross motor skill we call walking, in October of 1987.
  • Goes to see Santa!

    Goes to see Santa!
    The First Two Years-Psychosocial-
    My Aunt Heather took me to see Santa when I was almost two years old, and I was somewhat afraid of him. She said that the only way I would sit on his lap for a picture was if she sat on his lap too.This fear of Santa is normal until about the age of 3, and does not necessarily constitute as separation anxiety. I would say that I shared a secure attachment with my parents and close family.
  • Develops strong bond with new family puppy.

    Develops strong bond with new family puppy.
    The First Two Years-Cognitive-
    Fitting into Jean Piaget's sensorimotor intelligence stage six, I began to develop a strong bond with our new family puppy. According to Piaget, I was a "little scientist," and she was my guinea pig when I began exhibiting tertiary circular reactions, the third of three feedback loops in sensorimotor intelligence, involving active exploration and experimentation.
  • Dresses up in mom's heels, and sings for family!

    Dresses up in mom's heels, and sings for family!
    The Play Years-Cognitive-
    Lev Vygotsky believed that every aspect of children's cognitive development is embedded in a social context, and children's cognitive processes and behaviors are stimulated by older and more skilled members of society. He called these children "apprentices in thinking."
  • Artistic expression.

    Artistic expression.
    The Play Years-Biosocial-
    During this time I spent a lot of time on artistic expression, drawing many pictures and writing letters, some to Taz. A specific one that comes to mind was a simple picture of Taz and I, both walking (upright) and holding "paws." I wrote "Dear Taz, I love you. You are my best friend. I love you dog."
  • Learns the importance of honesty.

    Learns the importance of honesty.
    The Play Years-Psychosocial-
    During "the play years," my parent's parenting style was a primary influence in my development. Both my mother and father were strictly authoritative. I especially remember my dad lecturing me on the importance of honesty. I have a strong belief that these parenting styles are responsible for the confident, successful, self-disciplined person I have become.
  • Reads at a Ninth Grade Level

    Reads at a Ninth Grade Level
    The School Years-Cognitive-
    My Aunt Heather was a teaching student at Central Michigan University as I was growing up, which means I was subjected to tests and experiments (and "big sis/little sis" weekend) as her curriculum ordered. She tested me for my reading capabilities, and was very pleased to learn that I read at a ninth grade level.
  • Parents separate.

    Parents separate.
    The School Years-Psychosocial-
    Some of the best memories in the times shortly after my parents separated occured when it was just me and dad. On hot summer nights we would go for bike rides and play "truth or dare," or rollerblade down the street with giant squirtguns trying to catch each other.
  • Broken Collarbone!

    Broken Collarbone!
    The School Years-Biosocial-
    I was constantly physically active, participating in a variety of activities including bike rides with my friends and family, and neighborhood games including hide and seek and basketball. However, one sledding trip in Hines Park with my dad, cousin, and uncle resulted in the breaking of my right side collarbone.
  • Develops lasting friendships with boys.

    Develops lasting friendships with boys.
    When I was in middle school I started developing friendships with not only members of the same sex, but members of the opposite sex as well. This social advancement was extremely crucial to my development and played a large role in shaping who I am today. Having supportive friends from both sexes facilitates a healthy self-image and self-esteem.
  • Gets a computer for Christmas

    Gets a computer for Christmas
    At age 12, I received my first computer for Christmas, fully equipped with Internet surfing capabilities. For this gift I can thank my father for my technology savvy and better informed teenage years.
  • Experiments with alcohol.

    Experiments with alcohol.
    One sentence in Berger's textbook explains it perfectly: "the neurological drive for intense sensations without the caution of a fully mature prefrontal cortex makes adolescents seek a quick and intense rush."
  • First semester of college.

    First semester of college.
    Emerging Adulthood-Cognitive-
    I have found myself asking questions lately, such as, "what did I even used to talk about before I became a college student? I feel like I didn't know anything before, like I'm a whole new person now!" It seems as though my cognition, morals, beliefs, and theories and philosophies about life are completely different than I ever thought they would be, and I credit much of that to my so-far college education.
  • Discovers life purpose!

    Discovers life purpose!
    Emerging Adulthood-Psychosocial-
    During this time I have formulated a solid plan encompassing my life and career goals, thus putting an end to the lost feeling of the identity crisis in adolescence. I believe I have developed a functional philosophy of life and my purpose and how I plan to achieve my goals. I have meaningful friendships that enable my happiness, and I have found that my passion is photography.
  • Purchases first dirt bike!

    Purchases first dirt bike!
    Emerging Adulthood-Biosocial-
    I plan on purchasing a dirtbike this summer, and due to my "neurological drive for intense sensations," I will most likely fracture a bone, hopefully a somewhat expendable one in my left arm!
  • Takes an interest in extreme sports.

    Takes an interest in extreme sports.
    This course has constantly reminded me of the need to have a nutritious diet, exercise frequently, and have healthy and loving relationships, and I am trying to develop healthy habits now so that I can live a healthy adulthood. Perhaps I will participate in the breast cancer 3-day walk, or seek friends who would be willing to participate in marathons and extreme sports such as rock climbing, sky diving and white water rafting.
  • Takes photography classes in NYC.

    Takes photography classes in NYC.
    Although the schooling I plan to pursue would be classified as cognitive development, I have placed this in the psychosocial category, because I plan for photography to be a very large part of my life and have a large influence on my personal relationships satisfying my need of an ecological niche as well as providing intrinsic rewards of work.
  • First time volunteering abroad.

    First time volunteering abroad.
    My career will be an education in itself. I would like to travel abroad and do volunteer work in different countries once I establish my other goals.
  • Retires!

    Late Adulthood-Psychosocial-
    Although I will be in my career by the age of 30, I will not retire until I am in my early 70's. I will certainly not age in place! I will travel the world, and maybe buy a sailboat. I will have a couple close girlfriends in my social convoy that share the same life experiences and philosophies as myself, and we will grow old together as "crazy old ladies!"
  • Celebrates 100th Birthday!

    Celebrates 100th Birthday!
    Late Adulthood-Biosocial-
    I am going to go out on a limb, think positively, and predict that I will be a centenarian! This course has made do a lot of thinking, and I am going to take the steps necessary now to try to make that happen. This will have to entail changing my sleep, exercise, and nutrition habits, as well as editing a few relationships in my life.
  • Terminal decline.

    Terminal decline.
    Late Adulthood-Cognitive-
    I will experience a terminal decline in which my cognitive abilities slowly decline before my death at the age of 113. Due to my traveling lifestyle with no children or husband, it is likely that I will die alone, but hopefully my accomplishments will provide me with the opportunity to have a great life review, and no regrets.