Russian Revolution

  • Period: to

    Russia Revolution

  • Czar Alexander came into rule.

    Czar Alexander came into rule.
    Alexander succeeded his father, and halted all reforms in Russia. He believed in "autocracy" where he had complete control and power.
  • Russia Industrializes

    Russia Industrializes
    Russia began to build buildings, and factories. Railroads were beggining to be built and the revolutionary movement began to grow. However, this brought low wages, and new problems.
  • Revolutionary Groups begin to Devolp.

    Revolutionary Groups begin to Devolp.
    Groups began to devolp thinking that all the lower class people could over throw the Czar. They hoped that they could eventually rule over the country as "a dictatorship of the proletariat".
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    200,000 workers and their families approached czar's Winter Palace is St. Petersburg. They wanted more freedom and better wages. Nicholas ordered for soilders to fire at the crowd, 1000 people were wounded, and more killed.
  • Nicholas enters World War 1

    Nicholas enters World War 1
    Russia wasnt prepared for the military and economic costs that the war would put on them. Defeat after defeat, 4 million Russians were killed. Nicholas or his wife Alexandra, werent able to control their military or government.
  • The Bolshevik Revolution

    The Bolshevik Revolution
    Lenin and the Bolsheviks gained control of the Petrograd soviets, and soon other major cities in Russia. Soon, factories were stormed, farm land was distributed, treatied were stoped being signed with Germany, and a Civil War also erupted.
  • The March Revolution

    The March Revolution
    Textile working women led a strike in Petrograd. There were shortages of bread and fuel. 200,000 people started in the riots. At first the soilders shot at them, but later they joined the riots them selves.
  • Czar Nicholas steps down.

    Czar Nicholas steps down.
    All of the protesting and riots made Nicholas step down from his throne. A year later, him and his family were executed. The three century czarist rule had ended.
  • Lenin Restores Order

    Lenin Restores Order
    War and revolutions destroyed the Russian economy. Lenin put in new economic policy, and he made political reform. The gov started to take control industries, banks. and communication. He also reformed the Communist Party.
  • Stalin Takes Control

    Stalin Takes Control
    He became the general secretary of the Communist Party. He worked to move his supporters into powerful positions. He died in 1924.