500 Years of History

  • 1450

    Discovery of the Lebombo Bone

    Discovery of the Lebombo Bone
    An image of the Lebombo Bone, discovered in South Africa it is recognized as the oldest known mathematical artifact.
  • Period: 1450 to

    Western Africa "Golden Age"

    Advancements in astronomy included new calendars that could be lunar, solar, stellar, or a combination of all 3 while mathematical discoveries included the Lebombo Bone found in South Africa, the oldest known mathematical artifact. Medical advancements skyrocketed as mosquitos were identified as the cause of Malaria and the dangers of tobacco were cautioned. The removal of cataracts became a common procedure as many of these medical breakthroughs inspired the work of doctors today.
  • Period: 1543 to

    The Scientific Revolution

    The Scientific Revolution was a time for many new great ideas to be brought forward regarding mathematics, physics, astronomy, and biology. The goal of the scientific revolution was to lay the foundation for a new society that was based less on religion and focused more on knowledge and rationalism. Great scientists brought forward revolutionary ideas such as Isaac Newton and his theory of gravity and reflective telescope.
  • Aug 24, 1572

    St. Bartholomew's Massacre

    St. Bartholomew's Massacre
    It was under the instruction of Queen Catherine that St. Bartholomew’s Massacre erupted. War was declared on those who did not identify as Catholic as a Parisian mob slaughtered hundreds of Huguenot Nobles and Protestant locals in the midst of a wedding. Deaths increased across the country as ruthless attackers fought against those who they believed betrayed the church.
  • Isaac Newton's Invention: The Reflective Telescope

    Isaac Newton's Invention: The Reflective Telescope
    One of Isaac Newton's revolutionary ideas was his reflective telescope, one of the few inventions created during the Scientific Revolution.
  • The Enlightenment

    The Enlightenment
    An image depicting a man speaking freely about ideas and beliefs presented throughout the enlightenment.
  • Period: to

    The Enlightenment

    This was a time of change as rationalism and faith in knowledge were preached to be valued over religion. Human rights received more recognition as it was identified that we learn from our mistakes. The human mind became known as the most powerful tool under the belief that the more educated a society is, the more likely that it will thrive and succeed over time. Past teachings were questioned as tradition was challenged with new ideas and advancements towards a more informed society.
  • Period: to

    The Industrial Revolution

    It was during this period that technology advanced, with major inventions such as the steam engine, which improved long-distance travel and trade and the singer sewing machine, allowing goods to be produced more efficiently. However, due to low wages, many people lived in poverty and suffered mental and physical damage due to hazardous working conditions and limited breaks.Work would begin as early as age 5 as 20 women did the work of 20,000 women and children.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    An event within the American Revolution, 70 men dressed as First Nations boarded 3 British ships in the Boston Harbour and tossed tea cargo into the sea as a result of the Tea Act which gave the British East India Company a monopoly on tea sales in the colony.
  • Period: to

    The American Revolution

    The Townshend Acts cued a chain reaction of conflicts including the Boston Massacre, the Boston Tea Party, and the Intolerable Acts. Each of these events were a result of enraged citizens responding to the restricting and unfair laws put in place. Eventually, the Declaration of Independence was created as the Treaty of Paris was signed, finally ending the American Revolution, marking the separation of the United States and Britain and the creation of the states.
  • The Leader of the Haitian Revolution

    The Leader of the Haitian Revolution
    An image of Toussaint L'Ouverture​, former slave and leader of The Haitian Revolution.
  • Period: to

    The Haitian Revolution

    Haitian slaves were treated poorly with cruel punishments, most were worked to death. Longing for freedom, Toussaint L'Ouverture started a revolution, later carried out by Jean-Jacques Dessalines following his death. Haiti declared independence and whites who had betrayed Haitians were murdered. This was the only successful modern slave revolt, resulting in over 400,000 deaths but influencing other slave rebellions in Great Britain and the US.
  • Period: to

    Victorian Britain Era

    Living conditions were poor during this era, resulting in high child mortality rates and many diseases. Both air quality and housing were very poor until action was taken as deaths increased. New pipework that ran underground was revolutionary for the time, protecting citizens from the Cholera epidemic. This pipework reduced disease and improved water supply quality, saving many lives as the ​quality of health became more prominent throughout society.
  • New Pipe System In Britain

    New Pipe System In Britain
    This image depicts a man revisiting​ the underground pipes built many years prior to control sewage in the streets of London.
  • New Invention: The Singer Sewing Machine

    New Invention: The Singer Sewing Machine
    Invented during the Industrial Revolution, this new version of the sewing machine improved efficiency and quality of handmade goods.
  • Period: to

    The Chinese Revolution

    Habits, culture, ideas, and customs were the basis that this revolution threatened to destroy, its main goal being to gain control and rid society of those who did not agree with communist beliefs. Although advances in coal, agriculture, electricity, iron and steel production made China the leading industrial power for a time, it cost civilians their lives. Within 2 years, 20 million people starved to death and those who didn’t obey the new standards were exiled or executed.
  • The Stock Market Crash

    The Stock Market Crash
    The event that started the Great Depression, the US stock market crashed when low-income citizens no longer could afford high stock prices, resulting in the majority of the population living below the poverty line.
  • Period: to

    The Great Depression

    Due to low income, people could not afford to buy goods, resulting in the unemployment of many factory workers. Stock went up to prices no one could afford, causing the market to crash. More than one-quarter​ of the workforce was unemployed while many were forced below the poverty line. The US responded with financial aid to help those in need, as well as funded relief and welfare programs. Regulations were set on stock market and banking systems to prevent future issues.
  • Period: to

    Feminist Movement Following WWII

    Following WWII, women had become accustomed to working while men were away at war. Women did not want to give up their new jobs, as they felt that they could do anything that men could do. Feminism was separated into two main goals. The first being getting basic human rights, and the second was to achieve equality. Women wanted higher wages, access to higher paying jobs, and shelters for the abused. Birth control also allowed women to have sexual freedom and plan families.
  • Women Join the Workforce

    Women Join the Workforce
    An image of a propaganda poster supporting women in the workforce.
  • Period: to

    The Cold War

    The Korean, Vietnam, and Cuban wars all demonstrated a change in foreign relations over time. As Korea divided, the US was able to build relations with capitalist South Korea but not with the communist North. Vietnam welcomed foreign investments and civil relations with the US as a result. The Cuban war saw the creation of the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty, as well as communication between the White House and Kremlin. Each significantly changing the way the world recovered from wars.
  • The Creation of The Red Guards

    The Creation of The Red Guards
    This image depicts a crowd of students in their Red Guard uniforms. Chairman Mao shut down schools urging Chinese students to "experience the revolution for themselves", resulting in the formation of a group known as The Red Guards. The students committed violent acts such as attacking professors, government officials, and factory managers by exiling and executing them.
  • Signing of The Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty

    Signing of The Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty
    This image depicts the signing of the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty. This Treaty was a significant document in the Cold War as it put limitations on the number of​ bombs that could be tested underwater, in space, or in the sky.