Chapter 25.2 The Unification of Germany Kassandra

  • Napoleon I dominated Prussia

    Napoleon I dominated Prussia
    Napoleon I ruled Prussia for 7seven years. During this time, he limited the size of Prussia's army and gain more land for Prussia. He also forced the citizens of Prussia to give thier own money and soliders to France.
  • Defeat at Leipzing

    Defeat at Leipzing
    Soliders were given a short time of intensive training. After a group of solliers was finished training,they went into the reserves. This training was important and useful because Prussia could train more soliders while still obeying Napoleon's strict army restrictions.
  • German Confederation created

    German Confederation created
    The Congress of Vienna included Prussia as a part of the Confederation. Prussia recived Saxony and the Rhine River from the Congress. This new land became an important contribution to Prussia's efficent government and strong economy. Though Prussia gained territory from this, Napoleon's Holy Roman Empire was not restored by the Congress.
  • Zollverein created

    Zollverein created
    The Zolverein is a custom union. A custom union is an agreement between two or more countries to remove trade barriers. It created a free-trade are throughout Germany.
  • The unification of Germany

    The unification of Germany
    Germany unified in 1871. The 'Seven weeks War' and the 'Franco-Prussian War' helped lead to the unification. Bismark accepted a constitution that united the 25 states in a federal form of government.