German unified 1815 1871

German Unification

By hanos
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    Napoleon Invades German Lands

    Over the cousre of several years, Naoleon invaded many German land through a series of many battles. Throughout this time, napoleon promoted french nationalism that sparked german nationalism all throughout german lands. The invasion of german lands by napoleon also g gave rights to people whom were located in these german lands such as the jews and the serfs.
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    Congress of Vienna

    The congress of vienna took place between November 1, 1814 and June 8, 1815 as all of great leaders and powers of Europe be in Vienna. During the congress of Vienna, Germany requested to become a unified nation, but were denied the rights to do so. The reason why they were denied the rights to become a unified nation is because the goal of the Congress of Vienna was to restore Europe to the way it was before Napoleon came into power, as the goal was NOT to unify and greate more nations.
  • Otto Von Bismarck Birth

    Otto Von Bismarck Birth
    Otto von Bismarck was born on April 1, 1815. He was born in Schönhausen, Germany.
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    The Zollverrein was founded and established in the year 1834, as it dissolved the tariff (tax on goods) barriers between German speaking states in order to make trade much more esier between the German states. People were able to trade freely and did not have to pay any tax for goods. During this time, Fredrick Willism I was offered the German throne a he rejects it because it was offered by the people.
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    Frankfurt Assembly demands unity

    On May 18, 1848, the Frankfurt Assembly composed of about 600 men met at the Church of Saint Paul. Throughut the year, the assembly demanded unity of Germany as worked to create a constitution for the proposed uninfied germany that they wished to create, which was to include all German speaking states. The constitution was created on March 28, 1849 as the assembly was eventually lost support from both Austria and Prussia causing to not be able to continue as the assembly ended on June 18, 1848.
  • Fredrick William IV is offered the Throne

    Fredrick William IV is offered the Throne
    On April 3, 1849, Fredrick William IV was offered the imperial crown and throne by the national aseembly. He refused this offer for he was a true conservative and would only accept the throne if it was offered by German princes, and not the assembly. As well as refuseing the throne, he also destroyed the constitution that was created by the national assembly for the proposed unified German nation.
  • Bismarcks Blood and Iron Speech

    Bismarcks Blood and Iron Speech
    On September 30, 1862, Otto Von Bismarck gave his famous speech titled "Blood and Iron" at the meeting of the budget commission of the Prussian Parliament. This speech included his idea of the fact that Germany should be united into a small German nation state. He also called for the fact that it would be dominated by Prussia. During this speech, Otto also rejects demands for a liberal reform.
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    Bismark Declares War on Denmark

    Starting on Feburary 1, 1864, Prussia becomes allies with Austria as they join forces as Bismarck declares war along with Austria against Denmark. The reasoning for Bismark declaring war on Denmark was in order to "liberate" Schleswig and Holstein from Denmark. As Denmark is defeated, the war resulted in Austria controlling Holstein and Prussia controlling Schleswig.
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    Bismarck Declares War on Austria

    Starting in June of 1866, Bismarck declare war on Austria as the war titled "Seven Weeks War" begins. Bismarck declared war on Austria in order to take Holstein fron Autria as Bismarck wished to have control over it as well as other Northern German States. Italy also aided in the war against Autria as Bismarck acheived in taking Holstein and other Northern German States from Austria as the war ended in August of 1866.
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    Constitution drafed by Bismarck

    Between October and November of 1866, Bismarck developed a consttution for the new German Empire in which the constitution set up a two-house legislature in which the Reichstag was the lower house and was elected by universal male sufferage (voting of the people), and the Bundesrat was the upper house and was apponited by the rulers of German States. This means that the real power of Germany remained to the emporer and chancellor as the Bundesrat was more powerful than the Reichstag.
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    Franco-Prussian War

    The Franco-Prussian war began on July 19, 1870 as previous to the start of this war, Bismarck uses the invasion of french forces 60 years earlier in order to stir nationalist feelings. Bismark edits the "Ems Dispach" which was sent by Willism I to Napoleon III. Bismarks edits this telegram to make it look like William I insulted Napoleon III, when he did no such thing. This causes france to become furious as they declare war on Prussia just as Bismarck wanted, as Prussia defeats France.
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    Polulation Growth 1871-1914

    Between the year of 1871 and 1914, there was a very large population growth in Germany. In 1871, there was 41 milion people in Germany, but in the year 1914, there was 67 million people in Germany. The population in Germany increased by 26 million people over a relativley short amount of time. The population boom in Germany greatly helped with Germany's econimic growth during this time. Sadly, after 1914, the polulation of Germany drastically decreased due to the start of World War I.
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    House of Krupp

    Starting in 1817 in Thyssen, the House of Krupp was developed by August Thyssen from a small manufacturing company of 70 workers, into a large company with over 50,000 employees. The company manufactured steel and armaments and was very successful. This company played an important role in the development of Germany's ecnomy as it was the "Indstrial Giant" of Germany.
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    Economic Development

    Starting from the time that Germany became a unified nation in 1871, to the start of World War I in 1914, Germany's economy developed greatly over the years. By the late 1800s, German chemical and electrical industries set the standards worldwide. Germany's natural recources, such as iron and coal, allowed for their ecomomic growth, as well sd the skilled and educated work force it had, and the population boom during this time. During the 1850s abd 1860s, Germany also built up infastacture.
  • Bismark becomes Chancellor

    Bismark becomes Chancellor
    On January 18, 1871, the German empire was proclaimed at Versailles by King William I as emporer. At this time, Otto Von Bismarck was also elevated to Imperial Chancellor. Otto's goal as Imperial Chancellor was to unite Germany into one nation under Prussian rule as he was loyal to the Prussian royal family. Bismarck used the strategy of realpolitik (putting the needs of the state before ones personal needs) throughout his time of being chancellor.
  • William I of Prussia becomes emporer

    William I of Prussia becomes emporer
    On January 18, 1871, William I, previous emperor of Prussia, becomes the emperor of Germany and takes the title of Whilhem I (William I) Emporer (Kaiser) of Germany. William I appointed Otto von Bismarck as chancellor in 1862, as in the same year that he was crowned kaiser (emperor) Wlliam I opened a new German Parliment, the Reichstag.
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    Second Reich is created

    The Second Reich began in January of 1871 as the second Reich was the empire of Hohenzollern Germany. This Reich took place between the time that Germany was unified, the Franco-Prussian War took place, William I becoming Emporer of Germany, Otto Von Bismarck becoming Chancellor of Germany, the abdication of William II, and the defeat of Germany in the first world war as the Second Reich came to an end. The Bundersrat were the upper house and the Reichtag were the lower house of parliment.
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    Campaign against the church (KultureKampf)

    The conflict between Bismarck and the catholic church began in July of !871 as Catholics made up 1/3 of the German Population. In order to stop the catholic threat, Bismarck instituted the battle for civilization (Kulturekampf). This meant that the state was able to oversee ALL catholic teachings and approve appointments of preists. Bismarcks plan backfired on him as people raillied and backed the church, causing Bismarck to make peace with the church, using a diplomatic strategy, NOT violence.
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    Campaign against the Socialists

    Starting in 1878, Bismarck feared that socialists would undermine loyalty and cause revolution due to the organization of the socialist party and thier call for a true parlimenty democracy and laws to improve working class conditions. Bismarck, in attempts to dissolve socislist groups, shut down newspapers and banned socialist meetings. His plans backfired as the worrking class supported and backed the socialists, causing him to sponsor laws to protect workers and develop insurance for workers.
  • William II becomes Kaiser

    William II becomes Kaiser
    on June 15, 1888, William II succeeds his granfather as Kaiser at the age of 29. Throughout his reign as kaiser, he asks Bismarck to reseign in 1890, as well as beleived in his divine right to rule. William II also lavished funds on the military and campaigned to expand the German navy. Germany had a great military and navy during this time, but William II sought to make Germany the most powerful nation ever. His nationalism and military stance increased the tension leading up the World War I.
  • Bismarck Resigns

    Bismarck Resigns
    In 1890, the kaiser (emperor) of Germany at this time, William II, asks Bismarck to resign. The reason why he asks Bismarck to resign is because he beleived that he should be the only one to rule the reich as he wanted to be soley recognized as the ruler of the reich during this time, as he stated "There is only one master in the reich, and that is I". Bismarck does indeed resign on March 18, !890 as he retired to his estate near Hamburg and dies on July 30, 1898.