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German Unification

  • Period: to

    Congress of Vienna

    The Congress of Vienna was an international conference between most of the European countires. It was held after napoleon was no longer in power, and the goal was to restore Europe back to its ways before Napoleon.
  • Napoleon Invades German Lands

    Napoleon Invades German Lands
    Napoleon invaded Germany in 1815, in hopes of being able to take over Germany. His thougts sat well with Germans and they thought that those thoughts and ideas could help their country run smoothly.
  • Otto Von Bismarck is Born

    Otto Von Bismarck is Born
    Otto Von Bismarck was born in a rich family estate in Prussia. Little did that he was going to become a great leader and influence the world. He was the prime minister of Prussia, and the first chancellor of the New German Empire.
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    The Zollverein

    The Zollverein was an economic union created by Prussia, it dissolved tariff barriers between German states. It was a very big step in aiding German Unification.
  • Frederick William IV is offered the Throne

    Frederick William IV is offered the Throne
    Frederick William owned the throne of Prussia from 1840 to 1861. He was a memeber of the the conservative party and he turned down the title of German emperor in 1849.
  • Bismarck Declares War on Denmark

    Bismarck Declares War on Denmark
    Otto Von Bismarck declared war on Denmark to gain the provinces Schleswig and Holstein.
  • Frankfurt Assembly Demands Unity

    Frankfurt Assembly Demands Unity
    It was the first freely elected parliament in all of Germany. It existed for about a year, and they voted and said opinions on many issues and policies going on in Germany.
  • Blood and Iron Speech

    Blood and Iron Speech
    Otto Von Bismarck's blood and iron speech was a vey moving speech. He stated that German unification would have to be done through blood and iron, not policies and politics.
  • Bismarck Declares War on Austria

    Bismarck Declares War on Austria
    This war was fought in 1866, between Austria and German forces. The major effect of the war was the shifting of power of German states. The German Confederation was destroyed and a new federation called the North German Federation was created.
  • Constitution Drafted by Bismarck

    Constitution Drafted by Bismarck
    This was the constitution of the Northern German Confederation. The constitution lasted from 1867 to 1871. It was written by Otto Von Bismarck. It was accepted on April 16, 1867.
  • The Franco-Prussian War

    The Franco-Prussian War
    The Franco Prussian war was an intensely fought battle between the French forces and the Northern German Federation forces, which were led by the Kingdom of Prussia. Bismarck provoked the French into attacking the German states, by editing an article called the Ems Dispatch. The French were furious and declared war on the North German Confederation.
  • Otto Von Bismarck Becomes Chancellor

    Otto Von Bismarck Becomes Chancellor
    Otto Von Bismarck was appointed Chancellor of Germany in 1871. Although he was chancellor he still kept his jobs in the Prussian offices.
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    Population Boom of 1871-1914

    The population boom of 1871-1914 saw the population of a unified Geramny rise very quickly. The urbanization of Germany had a lot to do with the population boom, as more jobs were created so more people could live in Germany.
  • William I Becomes Emperor

    William I Becomes Emperor
    William I of Prussia was appointed German emperor in 1871. He helped aid in many steps of the unification of Germany.
  • The Second Reich is Made

    The Second Reich is Made
    The Second Reich was a system that involved most of the German states. Each state had a prince. The Reich was run by the Kaiser, and whenever the Kaiser felt he had to question or change something wthin the Reich, he would make a decision, with the help of the government.
  • Economic Developemnt of Germany

    Economic Developemnt of Germany
    The economy boomed in 1871, as Germany was industrializing and trading at a rapid pace. Jobs were open all across the states, and people were moving into the cities to have jobs. They imported and exported goods, and their agriculture grew. These many industries created many jobs for people in Germany.
  • House of Krupp

    House of Krupp
    The house of Krupp was a huge industrial building that produced weapons and other industrialized goods for the Germans.
  • The Kulturekampf (Campaign against Church)

    The Kulturekampf (Campaign against Church)
    The Kulturekampf was a movement that was aimed towards taking power away from the Roman Catholic Church. Otto Von Bismarck was the leader in this movement.
  • Campaign Against Socialists

    Campaign Against Socialists
    Otto Von Bismarck made many laws, but many people view this as one of his bigger laws made. He made many restrictions against socialism, and he restricted that through the press. This law was very strict.
  • William II Becomes the Kaiser

    William II Becomes the Kaiser
    William II was the last German Emperor. He ruled the German Empire and the Kingdom of Prussia. He dismissed Otto von Bismarck, and began many new policies in Germany.
  • Otto Von Bismarck Resigns

    Otto Von Bismarck Resigns
    Von Bismack was forced to resign after William II was appointed Emperor. William II wanted to rush Geramny onto the scene, while Bismarck wanted to let Germany develop into the world. These differences led to the resignation of Bismarck, and a new leader in Germany.