Chapter 25.1 The Unification of Italy.Julie Sim

By akane55
  • "Young Italy"

    "Young Italy"
    Guiseppe Mazzini has organized "Young Italy" which is a group of Italian patriots to make Italy more independent and a free country. Guiseppe is a nationalist, who wants unifiction in Italy. To do so, he recuited many people and organized a party to make this happen.
  • "King of Italy"

    "King of Italy"
    A man by the name of Vitor Emmanuel, who was the emperor of Sardinia was given the title "King of Italy". He lives by the constitution and succeed his father. Making very good choices to make many other individual countries happy, and head towards unification.
  • Prime Minister

    Prime Minister
    A man named Camillo di Cavour became the prime minister of Sardina, appointed by King Victor Emmanuel. Cavour has dedicated himself to make Italy united and one free, individual country. Also dedicating himself to drive out the Austrians.
  • The stepping stone of Unification

    The stepping stone of Unification
    5 states were joined up with Sardinia to start a unified country named Italy. The last state ws the Kingdom of the Two Siciles. And this was unified when Garibaldi and his "Red Shirts" defeated the ruler and conquered it.
  • Red Shirts of Garibaldi

    Red Shirts of Garibaldi
    This group of volunteer soldiers that are willing to die to make the country Unified. They were called "Red Shirts" because of their signature which was wearing very red shirts from a volcanic symbol of Italy. They won many battles with Garibaldi, who was their leader, and their tutor.
  • The Unification Final

    The Unification Final
    The final started when Prussia went to war with the Austrians. Because Sardina helped Prussia to win the war. Italy gained the land Venetia.