3.4 Asking For and Offering Assistance

  • Asking for help

    “The Self-Sufficiency Syndrome,is characterized by an inability and unwillingness to ask for help or delegate because of the belief that no one can do it as well as you can. “(Communication & Coping Skills pg.13). It isn't healthy to try to put the stress of handling everything on yourself. You can become anxious, physically sick, or worse. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness.
  • How to ask for help

    "Use the ACT Formula...A- what are you afraid of? C-Let go of the feeling you have to control everything. T- Trust yourself enough to reach out and take a chance." (Communication and Coping Skills pg.14). If someone you know is struggling to ask for help, ask them these questions about the formula to give them a better mindset.
  • Why ask for help

    “By offering before they need to ask you, you are showing that you care about them." (Communication & Coping Skills pg14). Sometimes all someone needs to hear is that someone is willing to help to help and that they care about what your going through. People might be too shy to ask for help because they don't want to inconvenience them, but asking them if they need help may be the push they need to trust someone.
  • Situation

    My mom is a very independent person. Not because she doesn't want help, but because she has a specific idea in her head about the way things need to go. She is scared to ask for help sometimes because she doesn't want things to go the wrong way. Therefor, I ask her what other things I can do so she can focus on the task at hand. The outcome is positive because I feel good that I help someone, and she has one less thing to do.