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Spain and the EU: The road to integration, from 1957 to 1986

  • From World War to Cold War

    Fraco's regime was incompatible with OEEC- Spain was excluded from Marshall Plan The Council of Europe precondition for membership was democracy
  • The Franco regime and the early stages of European integration, 1951-62

    The Franco regime and the early stages of European integration, 1951-62
    Political hostility of Spain's major European trading partners. USA shows interest in Spain. Bilateral agreement between Spain and USA, signed in 1953. Spain becomes part of Western alliance via USA. But still isolation and exclusion from ECSC and Treaty of Rome
  • Coming to terms with rejection, 1962-1975

    1962: Opening of negotiations to join the EC: "European vocation", geographical position, territory contiguity with the EC and ambitious program of economic reforms.
    1967: Brussels offered Spain a preferential agreement on commercial trade.
    1975: Coronation of King Juan Carlos I
  • Spain and the EC, from dictatorship to democracy

    Formal application to become a member. EC membership was seen as a means of overcoming social, political backwardness; as a way to overcome international isolation; also it would help to diffuse centre-periphery tensions (Catalonia, Basque country); and of course commercial interest. Formal negotiations start in 1979
  • Becoming members of EC, 1982 to 1986

    Becoming members of EC, 1982 to 1986
    After electoral victory of socialist party, negotiations re-start again: the aim to make Spain European. Final agreement signed in 1985.