2017 Natalie Khor Dalat World History

  • Period: 10,000 BCE to 500 BCE

    Mesopotamia - Early Mesopotamians

    This includes Chaldeans, Hittites, Sumerians, Kassites, Babylonians, Phoenicians, Akkadians, and Assyrians. [Chapter 3]
  • 6000 BCE

    Important Event-Mesopotamia- Irrigation [Chapter 3 Section 1]

    The water levels of the Tigris and Euphrates River depended on rainfall, if the water level was low, crops dried up. If the water level was high, it flooded, washing away crops. So, the Mesopotamians started using irrigation. They dug storage basins and dug canals to connect then with ditches that led to crops.
  • Period: 4500 BCE to 300

    Egypt- Kush and Egypt

    Egypt had the Old Kingdom, Middle Kingdom, and New Kingdom. They were at peace with Kush and often traded with each other. Egypt decided to attack Kush because they wanted to prevent Kush from getting stronger. They succeeded, but Kush gained their independence and attacked Egypt, conquering them.
  • 3500 BCE

    Important Event- Fertile Crescent-Sumerian Achievements [Chapter 3 Section 3]

    The Sumerians had built the world's first wheeled vehicle. For example, wagons and carts. They also invented cuneiform, which is the world first writing system.
  • 3100 BCE

    Important Event - Egypt - United Egypt [Chapter 4 Section 1]

    Egypt was separated in to two kingdoms, Lower Egypt and Upper Egypt. Menes, the ruler of Upper Egypt, wanted to unify Egypt. So, he conquered Lower Egypt and married the princess to solidify his control over Lower Egypt. In this way, Menes became the first pharaoh of Egypt.
  • 2330 BCE

    Important Event- Fertile Crescent- Akkadian Empire [Chapter 3 Section 2]

    The Akkadians settled along the Tigris and Euphrates River, just north of Sumer. They lived at peace, but Sargon, the leader of the Akkadians wanted to expand his territory and broke the peace. The Akkadians conquered all of the city-states of Sumer and northern Mesopotamia. With all the vanquished territories, Sargon inaugurated the world's first empire.
  • Period: 2300 BCE to 500 BCE

    Ancient India - The People

    This include the Aryans (2000 BC ~ 320 AD), the Harappans (2300 BC ~ 1700 BC), the Mauryans (320 BC ~ 170 BC),and the Guptas (320 AD ~ 500 AD).
  • 2200 BCE

    Important Event - Egypt - Social Hierarchy [Chapter 4 Section 2]

    At the top of Egypt's social structure is the pharaoh. Under him are the nobles, who were the priests and government officials. Next in rank were the scribes and craftspeople. The lowest in rank were the farmers, servants, and slave, but they made up 80 percent of Egypt's population.
  • 1500 BCE

    Important Event - India - Varnas [Chapter 5 Section 2]

    The Varnas was the ranking system with strict rules on the interaction with other castes in Aryan society. On the top were the Brahmins. They were the the priest who performed rituals to Brahma. Under them were the Ksahtriyas, who were the warriors and ruler. Next were the Vaisyas, who were merchants, craftspeople, and farmers. The Sudras were the servants and workers. They were technically the lowest rank, but the very lowest rank were the Dalits, known as the untouchables.
  • 1500 BCE

    Important Event - India - Buddhism [Chapter 5 Section 3]

    Siddharta Gupta was a prince that often questioned the meaning of life. Despite the fact that he live a privileged life as a member of the Kshatriya class, he left home to seek for answers. Legend says that he meditated and fasted under the tree and discovered the three main reasons for human suffering. As he continued meditating, he founded the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path. He started sharing his ideas and preaching them. He was hereafter known as Buddha, or "enlightened one".
  • 1200 BCE

    Important Event- Egypt- Invasions of Egypt [Chapter 4 Section 3]

    When Ramses the Great rose to power, Egypt was attacked by the Hitties, and fought a never-ending war until both sides signed a peace treaty. They were also invaded by Tehenu, who tried twice to defeat Egypt. The the Sea People's invaded, both fought for 50 years, and Egypt finally won. But Egypt never recovered and the New Kingdom came to an end and Egypt fell into chaos again.
  • 1000 BCE

    Important Event- Kush and Egypt - Kush and Egypt [Chapter 4 Section 5]

    Kush and Egypt helped each other be prosperous. They often traded with each other. Kush soon became powerful and Egypt decided to attack Kush before Kush attacked Egypt. The Egyptians won and Kush remained in Egypt for 450 years. Later, Kush gained their independence and attacked Egypt.
  • 900 BCE

    Important Event - Mesopotamia - Assyrians [Chapter 3 Section 4]

    The Assyrians were known for their fierce army. They were defeated all of Fertile Crescent and even conquered parts of Asia Minor and Egypt. They were successful because of their strong army, advanced weapons, and organized army.
  • 320 BCE

    Important Event - India - Mauryan Empire [Chapter 5 Section 4]

    With spies, a huge army, and over thousands of war elephants, the Mauryan Empire included northern India and some parts of central India. When Asoka came to power, he launched even more conquests and defeated many areas. After he converted to Buddhism, he took a vow of peace and spent his time improving the lives of his people.
  • 100

    Important Event - India - Indian Achievements [Chapter 5 Section 5]

    The Indians had simple temples that over time grew more complex. The two most famous epics are the Mahabharata and the Ramayana were both written in Sanskrit. They were extremely advanced in metalworking, math, and medicine. The Indians also knew of the seven of the planets, that the planets revolved around the sun, and that the earth rotated on an axis.
  • Important Event - Egypt - Egyptian Achievements [Chapter 4 Section 4]

    The Egyptians had a writing system that was called hieroglyphics. When a French soldier discovered the Rosetta Stone, they manage to decode hieroglyphics.They also had temples with sphinxes and obelisks. They were also great artists. Their temples and tombs were covered with paintings of historical events.
  • Important Event-India-Harappans+Aryans [Chapter 5 Section 1]

    The Harappans were advanced;they had indoor bathrooms,a weight and measures system,and invented the first Indian writing system.The Aryans came through the mountains from the northwest.They had a very different governmental system;they had groups that each had their own ruler; there was no single person in power.All the important poems and hymns such as the Vedas were spoken in Sanskrit,and had to be memorized, because there was no way to record it,but people found a way to write it later on.
  • Modern Event-Malaysia- Laws {Chapter 3}

    Our laws nowadays were inspired by Hammurabi's Code.
  • Modern Event - World - Burial Practices {Chapter 4}

    The Egyptians used a process called embalming to preserve the dead. We still use embalming today for the dead.
  • Modern Event - World - Math and Medicine {Chapter 5}

    We use Hindu-Arabic Numerals these days.They were called Hindu-Arabic because they were created by the Indians and spread to Europe from Arabs. They also knew how to inoculate people back then to protect the from diseases.