2.4 Formulating A Plan

  • My long term goal

    My long term goal is to get all A's at the end of each grading period and at the end of the year.
  • Anxiety

    “We need to be careful with ourselves because goals can also be a source of anxiety.”(Goal Setting Skills pg.13). I plan to help myself not get stressed by keeping a planner with everything I have to do. This is so I don't procrastinate and I can see when due dates are getting closer.
  • Dream big, but start small

    “Goals should be seen more as the critical steps we take on the path to our dreams. The things we measure most often improve in our life, so we must set goals that are specific and measurable." (Goal Setting Skills pg.13). I am choosing to be specific to getting all A's every grading period. If I would have said just to get all A's than once I got them, I would have no motivation to keep up the work.
  • Planning

    I plan to do homework every night even if I don't have any due the next day. This helps me get ahead, and it lets me keep a constant schedule of schoolwork so I don't overwhelm myself all in the night before.
  • Connect goals to happiness

    I admit that school is not my favorite thing in the world, but specific classes I do enjoy. These classes are my science and art classes. I use my love for these classes to spill over into my motivation for other classes.“We want to do what we love by focusing on things that mean a lot to us with people we want to be around.”(Goal Setting Skills. pg.12). I know I can already get all A's in science, math and art; and I need to motivation to get all A's in my other classes.